Life Events Map

  • Birth

    Once upon a time, a little snowflake fell from the sky....
  • Adri Passed Away

    Adri Passed Away
    After a sudden collapse from a heart defect, Adri spent 4 days in the hospital and was finally taken off life support due to brain damage
  • Moved to Washington

  • Moved back to Ohio

  • Moved back to Washington

  • Moved to Ohio and back to Oregon

    We originally were moving back to Vancouver, WA but we didn't like the house we were supposed to rent. We crossed the river and ended up renting a house in Troutdale
  • My First Kiss

    My First Kiss
    Outside on a swing set on a crisp, cold fall night. The boy who kissed me has since passed away, but that memory will forever be a tender milestone of mine.
  • Started High School

  • Graduated High School

  • Moved to Ohio for college

    Moved back to Ohio to attempt to join a technical school to get into an ultrasonography program
  • Moved back to Oregon

    Failed to get accepted into the program and was unable to pay my bills so I had to move home and get a job
  • Met Jeremy, my first long term relationship

    Met Jeremy, my first long term relationship
    Met him driving down the road, such a unique story.
  • Witnessed the birth of my niece

    Witnessed the birth of my niece
    Forever changing my opinion on having children
  • Moved out on my own for the first time

    Moved out on my own for the first time
    And in with my boyfriend after 6 months, not advisable.
  • Decided to go back to school an pursue a bachelors degree

    Thus began my awakening...
  • Broke up with Jeremy

    Ended something that should have ended long ago
  • Moved out of the house I had been living in with Jeremy