Learned how to walk
Began Kindergarten
Began playing hockey
Began playing baseball
Began middle school
Began High school
First job
Contruction worker -
Graduated High school
Began college
Started career South Lyon Fire Department
Started working at Beaumont Dearborn Hospital
Got engaged
Got married
Had twins!
Began nursing school
Graduated nursing school
wife bought us a boat for graduation present
Twins began playing hockey
Began career as a nurse at U of M hospital
bought a house on the lake
Twins started school
10 years at fire department
Retire from SLFD
10 years at U of M hospital
Twins graduated highschool
Twins started college
Twins graduate college
Twin 1 gets married
Become grand parents
Twin 2 gets married
Retired from U of M hospital
Family trip to Hawaii
Move to lake house
Death at age of 93