Life Events

  • 10 Yrs old

    When I was 10 I went into middle school and unlike 1st-5th grade, it was not as easy to make friends and talk to other people, I noticed that people formed groups and more people wouldn't want to associate with you if you weren't part of they're a group and this gave me a hard time with middle school. I think that this fits into Erikson's 4th stage which is industry vs inferiority because I had a hard time getting used to how things went in this new environment.
  • 14 Yrs. old

    When I was 15 or around the time that I was getting into sophomore year of high school I was pretty much finding myself and how I worked, whether that be who I like or how I acted. I think this fits into the 5 stages on Erikson's list because I had a moderate time finding myself and figuring out what to do with my life.
  • 17 Yrs. old

    I turned 17 resently and I have now just gotten into college and have noticed that it is almost like how highschool was where you were either a fun person that everyone knew or a person that nobody knew, I think that I am kind of going into the 6th stage almost because I am deciding how social I want to be, weather that be going out a lot or making a lot of new friends but I'm a little hung up on that for now.