Life events

By @lanH
  • Birthday

    I was born in a hospital in Chandler AZ
  • First birthday

    We moved to Mesa in and had a party there.
  • First day of pre-k

    On my first day of pre-k I did not want to go to school because I wanted to stay with my mom.
  • First day in kindergarten

    on my first day of kindergarten I moved to a differnt school closer to home.
  • Third Grade

    In the third grade I felt that school was starting to get more challenging.
  • Sixth grade

    In sixth grade I was starting to get more mature and out of the immature stage.
  • Jurnoir High

    In the begining I did not know anyone because i was out of bounderies and no one from my elementary school was there then towards the end in 8th grade I had all the friends I wanted
  • Summer before high school

    I was nervous about going into high school for the first time because I would not know anyone
  • First day of High school

    on the first day I did not know anyone and was confused about where my classes were because the school did not let me go to orientation.
  • Making friends in high school

    Making friends in high school
    After about two weeks in high school I started to make friends
  • Hanging out with friends

    Hanging out with friends
    I started to hang out with my friends more often and go to thier house.
  • Camping

    It was on November on thanksgiving break and it was about 30 degrees at night and and 85 during the day
  • Winter Break

    Winter Break
    winter break was my favorite time of the year becuase it is the time when there is the most parties at the same time. Also sleeping in was my favorite part.
  • Getting the xbox One

    Getting the xbox One
    On Presidents day we traded in our x box in for the new x box and i am excited to play it after school.
  • Eating one of worlds hottest pepper

    Eating one of worlds hottest pepper
    One day i decided to try somthing spicy so i went out and bought Ghost peppers and ate it.