Generativity vs. Stagnation
I had my first born son Marcus D. Cosby III. I never thought i would have kids considering my previous medical history. It has been a journey raising a child even with having help. The attention, time, patience and feelings that are involved. With having him changed my way of thought and life. Erickson's seventh stage. The crisis with this stage is knowing what you need to do and why. Having positive out come, pushing to succeed and be positive. Creates care and understanding within. -
Autonomy vs, Shame and Doubt
My son was learning how to stand with paper plates. He would keep falling and standing on all fours. He became so frustrated that he started crying and looking around for help. I stared at him thinking if i get up and and tell him how to do he will want me to all the time. But then i let him be and encouraged him to do it on his own. Erickson's stage 2 Autonomy vs shame and doubt. I feel the crisis is being able to do things independently vs having things done for you. -
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
I graduated from ACC for medical assistant program. I was chosen to give a speech. I remember sitting there thinking to myself what are all the things i could put in my speech. I remember thinking to myself i know i worked hard, but i could have worked harder and pushed myself more. Erickson's eighth stage. The crisis between being satisfied with what i have personally accomplished, even with the rough patches and accepting things for what they are and move on to the next.