
By dgraham
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    I was born in Pensacola, FL
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    I was a week old when a hurricane hit Pensacola
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    I was 3 years old when 9/11 happen
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    Hurricane Ivan

    Hurricane Ivan almost destroy my grandparent's house
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    Started school

    I started kindergartner
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    First Black President

    That change my point of view in life, it help me realize that I can do whatever I want if I put my mind to it.
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    My Cousin

    My older cousin died from drowning
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    Eight days after my birthday my grandma died.
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    One of my cousin's body was found without his head, arms and legs; till this day we do not know where his head, arms, and legs are at.
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    Best news

    I pass the reading FSA/ELA!!!!!!!
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    High School Graduation

    I graduate from high school, that will be the best day of my life. I am finally done with school, I can finally get started my career on becoming a psychologist.