
Meanful Moments Of My Life

  • My birth

    My birth
    The date was Apirl 29th 2001 and I was finally born around 4 in the morning. It was a long night after my mother being in labor for hours. I thank her often for her going through what she went through to have me today.
  • Fair

    My family and I went to the 4h to spend time with eatchother. It was fun and unforgetable. I liked how I got to ride the bumber cars and all the games we played.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    It was the first day oschool and my mom packed my favorite lunch. When I got on the bus. I set my luch bozx on a seat and it got sat on. The pudding got everywhere and my sandwitch was smushed and my chips were crushed. Luckily, my mom came to the school and packed me another lunch.
  • First Snow Day

    First Snow Day
    My first snow day in kindergarden, I was so happy to sspend the day sledding and palying in the snow. Especially with my family.
  • Beach Day

    Beach Day
    I spent the day at the beach and had a cookout later in the evening, we lit fire works. I got some presents also.
  • The worst thing i ever tasted

    The worst thing i ever tasted
    My cousin gave me a piece of gum (i never tried gum before). I spitted it out right away. It tasted so bad, i puked. Till this day, i still hate gum.
  • halloween at school

    halloween at school
    It was halloween and me and my friend were on the biggest slide at scool. I thought it would be cool to slide on my belly. When i went down, i landed on my stomach and puked. I was so embaressed.
  • Christmas

    My father said if i learned how to ride a bike, he would get me a scooter for christmas. I've been wanting the new bratz one for a long time and for christmas, I finally got it.
  • New Pet

    New Pet
    My brother and
    i has been asking for a cat for a while at the timeand my dad saw a stray kitten out by the woods . My mom agreed that we could have the cat. I named him boomer.
  • Camping

    My family and i went campig. It was my first time. It was fun going fishing and swimming but tut the mosqitos were driving me nuts.
  • Sleepover

    I had my fisrt sleepover at my friends madisons house. She was my first best friend too. We had so much fun.
  • Embarrasing day

    Embarrasing day
    My teacher and my class and i went to the libray. I asked if i could use the bathroom and i had to go really bad. She said no, not until we come back. I informed her that i had tov go super bad. I tried to hold it but it was all her fault for not letting me go. I was sooo embaressd
  • middle school

    middle school
    It was my fist day in middle school. I switched schools and i gues 6th garde in in middle school. I was nervous but i got used to it after thr fistr week or so.
  • Lucky Winner

    Lucky Winner
    I asked my mom to get me a couple scratch cras for christmas and she did. I won 50$ all together. I was so happy.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    It was my first day of hight school. I was so scared. I thought that i was gonna get picked on but the only proble was finding my classes.