Life Course Timeline

By RL123
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    This was where the ongoing story of my life began, in a humble little hospital at the edge of Beijing, China. This was the first and greatest of several life events that populate my short lifetime thus far. Immediately after birth, my role was set as the single son of a family.
  • Immigration to Ontario, Canada

    Immigration to Ontario, Canada
    When I was just over four years of age, my family and I decided to immigrate from China to Canada. This life event was the greatest transition I have ever experienced in my lifetime thus far. It was responsible for permanently altering my pathway in life, as well as for shaping my entire identity. I sometimes wonder how different both my life and I would be, had my parents decided to not take on this grand transition.
  • Entering Primary school

    Entering Primary school
    This was a transition to a government institution in a foreign environment. I was made to learn English, and for the first time, placed in a cohort of other children my age, some even of the same background. Through my years at this social institution, I learnt the basics of Canada's culture, language, and eventually adapted myself to inherit these ideals.
  • Entering High School

    Entering High School
    My entrance into high school happened to coincide with the peak of covid. Therefore, the entire cohort of students attending regular day school were forced to transition to online high school. This was a very unusual transition that broke down and set many new social norms in place. I experienced role conflict, as while my traditional role as a student would be to go to school daily in person, I could not achieve this in online school.
  • University Applications

    University Applications
    This is my most recent potentially life-changing event. My chosen university and major will decide my trajectory in life. I am playing my role as an eventual productive member of society by fulfilling the social norm of attending university for a degree.
  • Attend my Top University

    Attend my Top University
    I plan to attend the University of Toronto downtown campus.
    Attending a good university will set my life trajectory towards my next goal, which is to graduate with a decent degree. I will be following the social norm of graduating with at least a bachelor’s in order to be able to find a decent paying job later on. I look forward to taking on the role of a university student for the next few years of my life!
  • Graduate UofT with a Master’s in political science

    Graduate UofT with a Master’s in political science
    This will be a great milestone in the overall trajectory of my studies. I will cease to be a university student, and can be considered a graduate working a short-term job instead.
  • Attend Law School

    Attend Law School
    This will be the final obstacle I have to overcome in my trajectory towards success. I will be joining this final educational institution, as an independent adult. However, there will be role strain as I will have to balance my duties as a scholar, with my responsibilities to provide for myself as an adult.
  • Pursue a career as a lawyer

    Pursue a career as a lawyer
    By this time, my role will be set as a fully-fledged working adult. This will mark the achievement of my overall goal of landing the job I want, which will be considered a major life event. I look forward to working and learning alongside a cohort of colleagues in the same field as I am. I aspire to one day build up my status and reputation in order to take on the role of a business owner and open my own law firm.