4004 BCE
The Creation
When God Created the world -
2348 BCE
The flood
The Flood were Noah had to build an ark -
2246 BCE
Tower of Babel
The Babylonians wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty city and a tower with its top in the heavens. -
1996 BCE
Abraham left , because God called him to found a new nation in an land that he later learned was Canaan. -
1745 BCE
He was the first of the two sons of Jacob and Rachel. He is the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Joseph. -
1491 BCE
Moses and Exdous
After the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt , then they stayed at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. -
1085 BCE
David was the youngest of eight sons of Jesse, a farmer and sheep breeder of the Israelite tribe of Judah. -
975 BCE
Monarchy Divides
He Kingdom of Israel in the north, containing the cities of Shechem and Samaria -
722 BCE
Assyrian Destruction of Israel
Assyria swept out of the north, captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and took the ten tribes into captivity. -
586 BCE
Babylonian Captivity of Judah
The Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile is the period in Jewish history during which a large number of Judeans -
Jesus Birth
Mary gave birth to Jesus