Life and Culture at the turn of the 20th century

By mb18009
  • Period: to

    Life ann Culture

  • Typewriter was invented

    Typewriter was invented
    Before it invention everything was hand wriiten. This invention made the lifes of many americans eaier.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    The telephone was patent around this time and was workd on by 3 men. It changed the life of many americans because they were able to communicate better.
  • Baseball becomes Popular

    Baseball becomes Popular
    Baseball changed the life of many ameicans, and became a national pastime. Around is when all the professinal teams came about and it became a popular sport to spectate.
  • New Public Preschools

    New Public Preschools
    This helped the education for many american children around this time. It was a good benifit for alot of parents at the time.
  • Columbian Exposition

    Columbian Exposition
    This fair was held to show the american people the diversity in their country. This event openthe eyes of many americans to other cultures
  • Pure food and Drug Act

    Pure food and Drug Act
    All food began to be labeled with unhealthy ingredients. this help alot of americans lokking to live a healthly lifestyle.
  • Entertainment with Magic

    Entertainment with Magic
    Magic became popular in the entertaiment bussiness. With harry houdini leading the show. It was very popluar in this time