• born

    i was born on Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 8:30 pm
  • sister born

    sister born
    My sister, Autumn, was born on March 5, 2001, at 1:30 am.
  • Period: to

    Cousins born

    My younger cousins; Benjamin (7), Susannah, (5), Amadeo, (5) Jeremiah, (3), Eliana, (1), Connor, (1), and Jake, (5 months) are born. I am very close with all of my cousins and I love them very much.
  • Grandma Moves

    Grandma Moves
    Earlier that summer, my maternal grandmother, who I was very close with and lived with us, had a stroke and was admitted to a string of hospitals and rehab centers, and finally a retirement home. Recently, she moved to a nursing home.
  • Parents divorce

    Parents divorce
    My parents told my sister and I about their divorce.
  • Moved

    Although we moved 6 times after this move, it was the most significant move of my life as I was leaving my childhood home and begining to live in two houses
  • Chloe adopted

    Chloe adopted
    We adopted out cat, Chloe, from the Humane Society.
  • Moved to current house

    Moved to current house
    My mom, sister, and I moved into out current home.
  • Period: to

    Ruth lives with us

    My mom's older cousin Ruth lived with us before moving downtown.
  • Camera

    I got my first nice camera, a Canon Rebel t3 with my own money. It is one of my most prized possessions.
  • Started highschool

    Started highschool
    I started highschool at FHCI in the Innovate program
  • Started attending Bethany EMC

    Started attending Bethany EMC
    My mom and I started attending our current church.
  • Visited New York City

    Visited New York City
    One of my aunts took me to NYC for my 15th birthday, as it had been my dream to go there for years.