
  • Birthday

  • started playing soccer

    started playing soccer
  • Girl cousin was born

    Girl cousin was born
  • Learned to ride a bike

    Learned to ride a bike
  • Made pine needles forts in my back yard

    Made pine needles forts in my back yard
  • started doing gymnastics

    started doing gymnastics
  • Boy cousin was born

    Boy cousin was born
  • Learned to ski

    Learned to ski
  • Moved to a new house

    Moved to a new house
  • Slipped down a tree

    Slipped down a tree
  • went to Florida

    went to Florida
  • started playing basketball

    started playing basketball
  • Stopped doing gymnastics

    Stopped doing gymnastics
  • Learned to snowboard

    Learned to snowboard
  • Graduated elementary school

    Graduated elementary school
  • Got braces

    Got braces
  • Did football

    Did football
  • Went to Cancun

    Went to Cancun
  • Started track

    Started track
  • Go to Canada

    Go to Canada
  • Get drivers licences

    Get drivers licences
  • Go to college in the east

    Go to college in the east
  • Graduate highschool

    Graduate highschool
  • Shadow a physical therapist

    Shadow a physical therapist