
  • birthday

    this is when i was born and i grew up in illinois
  • got a dog

    got a dog
    got my second dog and it was a pomeranian
  • fell in a lake

    fell in a lake
    went fishing with my family and then fell in the lake
  • car crash

    car crash
    got in a car crash on the last day of preschool
  • got my first gaming console

    got my first gaming console
    got my first gamecube and i played on it a lot
  • got beat up

    got beat up
    got beat up in school for something i dont know what i did
  • moved into my grandmas house

    moved into my grandmas house
    we had to move to my grandmas house because we had no money and were saving up to move to arizona
  • joined a community basketball team

    joined a community basketball team
    joined a community basketball team and won all games except for two of them coming in first
  • got my first phone

    got my first phone
    got my first ever phone and it was a pretty good phone
  • move to arizona

    move to arizona
    move to arizona from illinois for the heat instead of the cold
  • got rid of my long hair

    got rid of my long hair
    had to cut my hair because it was really hot out
  • went to a concert

    went to a concert
    went to a concert in arizona somewhere and got a pick one of the guitarist used
  • shot my first gun

    shot my first gun
    went to california to see my brother and he took us to a shooting range and i did the best
  • brother goes to afghanistan for 10-12 months

    brother goes to afghanistan for 10-12 months
    brother goes to afghanistan for a long time and i wont see him till then
  • join track

    join track
    joining my first school sport so i can get out of the house and do something