
  • Born

    I was born at 9 lbs. 6 oz. on January 25, 1997 at Henrico Doctors
  • Met my older brother

    Met my older brother
    Met my brother for the first time
  • I turned 3

    I turned 3
    i was turning 3 and started to like baseball
  • My little brother is born

    My little brother is born
    my little brother, Justin was born at 8 lbs. 7 oz. 4 weeks early
  • Baseball

    me playing baseball at lakeside youth baseball field for my 3rd year
  • neice was born

    neice was born
    My neice, Madison was born at 7 lbs. 5 oz.
  • My last year at LYB

    My last year at LYB
    my last year at LYB which was my best year
  • First knee surgery

    First knee surgery
    I had my first knee surgery with baseball related
  • Second knee surgery

    Second knee surgery
    I had a fulkerson Ostemotpy because the first did not fix the problem
  • Broken leg

    Broken leg
    I broke my leg while recovering from my second knee surgery
  • Have a family

    Have a family
    have a wife a kid by im 25
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    I would like to graduate VA Tech right after High School