Life images


  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
    I was born around 5Am on this day
  • My Fifth Birthday

    My Fifth Birthday
    I got a dog that I loved very much for my fifth birthday. I named her Lady, after the dog in "Lady and the Tramp"
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    I started school at five years old
  • My First Vacation

    My First Vacation
    I went on vacation to the Bahamas, it was my first (and only) time riding an airplane.
  • I Became a Big Sister

    I Became a Big Sister
    My sister was born and I was no longer an only child
  • Car Accident

    Car Accident
    I was involved in a car accident, it was pretty scary and still affects me.
  • I Became a Big Sister again!

    I Became a Big Sister again!
    My monster of a brother was born.
  • Graduated from Middle School

    Graduated from Middle School
    I won a writing award and graduated from Russell O. Brackman Middle School
  • My Grandfather died

    My Grandfather died
    My grandfather died after suffering with Lou Garrett's Disease for about 3 years.
  • I moved to Richmond, Virginia

    I moved to Richmond, Virginia
    My family and I made a major move from South Jersey to Richmond Virginia.
  • Future Career

    Future Career
    I want to be working as an Orthopedic Surgeon in the future
  • Future Vacation

    Future Vacation
    I want to visit London by the time I am 25