Libyan Revolution

  • Period: to


  • Start of The Revolution

    Start of The Revolution
  • Loyalists are told to take to the streets and fight off the rebals

  • Rebals take control of Zawiyah

  • Libyan pilots told to bomb protesters

    Muammar Gadaffi orders pilots to bomb protester. The pilots flee rather then bomb citizens.
  • UN backs no fly over libya

  • rebels advance on Sirte

  • RAF sinks Gaddaif's warships

  • UK jets strike Tripoli

  • ICC issues arrest warrant for Gaddaif

  • Gaddafi threatens attacks on europe

  • Rebals enter Braga

  • Britain recognises rebel regime

  • Rebals move interim govenment to Tripoli

  • Death of Moammar Gadhafi

  • Libya is Liberated