Liberalismo y expansion

  • Jun 21, 1550

    Scientific Revolution (exact year)

    Scientific Revolution (exact year)
    Scientific Revolution

    Historical changes in thought and belief that people had in that time also changes in social organization.It take place in Europe. Nicolas Copernicus: he studied astronomy and he discovered that earth orbited around the sun.
    Galileo Galilei:The most successful scientist during this period.He studied the laws of gravity and motion, and invented the telescope and microscope.
    Isaac Newton: He improve the theories of astronomy and made a comprehensive model of gravity's law.
  • The Enlightenment 1/2 (only exact year)

    The Enlightenment 1/2 (only exact year)
    The enlightenment was a intelectual movement wich dominated the world of ideas. It take place in Europe. Thomas Hobbes: English philosopher that is best known for his political thinkings.
    John Locke: He became influence writing about political philosophy.
    Voltaire: His intelligence made him one of the best philosophers and writers. The enlightenment affected politics and government.
    The ideas of the philosophers change the world.
    It became a new era after the enlightenment.
  • The Enlightenment 2/3 (only exact year)

    The Enlightenment 2/3 (only exact year)
    Document of the enlightenment document( primary source)
  • The Enlightenment 3/3 (only exact year)

    The Enlightenment 3/3 (only exact year)
    Document of the enlightenment document( primary source)
  • American Revolution 1/2

    American Revolution 1/2
    *Time period: 1764-1788 *Location: United States of America
    3 important persons of the American Revolution
    *Ethan Allen(1737-1789): At the outbreak of the American Revolution, Allen with his militia unit captured the British Fort Ticonderoga.
    *Jacob Brown(1775-1828): Brown had a reputation for his decision making, that made him one of the best and successful generals in conflict.
  • American Revolution 2/2

    *Benedict Arnold(1741-1801): Arnold was a successful general before of his acts of treason, he develop a plot in which entailed the surrender of West Point to the British in exchange of money.
    3 issues of the american revolution
    -The weapons were heavy, primitive, and had to be reloaded after one shot.
    -The uniforms were obvious during the american revolution.
    -The main issue of all wars is the violence and its consecuences.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Location: France Time period: 1788-1799
    3 famous people
    * Luis XVI: King of France. Caused France to plunge into severe debt. *Maria Antonieta:Queen of France, wife to Louis XVI.She Had a lavish lifestyle and was deeply despised. *Napoleon:Was a French general, political leader, and emperor of the late eighteenth. 3 important issues of french revolution were:
    Luis XVI was executed.
    1792 proclaimed Republic.
    Constitution of 1791 and the flight of the king in the same year.
  • Napoleonic Empire 1/2

    Napoleonic Empire 1/2
    Napoleonic Empire (1804–1815) Location: Mostly French
    On 18 May 1804, his army would take a region over. From this position of power, Napoleon would , spread his ideals of the revolution through Europe. 3 important people of Napoleonic empire
    Alexander I: He allied with Napoleon he was a member of the alliance that defeated Napoleon.
    Gebhard Blucher:Prussian field marshal who helped the brittish army.
    Bourbon: He was installed on the throne after Napoleon was deposed.