liberal reforms

  • charles booth publishes about about his findings of poverty

    the first of Booth seventeen volumes was published in1889 and it showed that arounds 30 percent of london's population lives below the povery line and that the reason for these problems were low wage,casual work trade depression and old age
  • Rowntree publishes a book called a study of town life

    his book was based on two years of research in his home town of York his main findings were that low wages, long houres, lazyness or being carless with money were the main resons for poverty and that in York 27 percent of people lived below the povery line
  • general election

    the liberal party won a huge victory in the 1906 election and although povery was seventh on there to do list however within an short amont of time there view would change and the liberals would soon embark on the moat ambitios programme of social reform ever seen
  • children act

    the liberal goverment introduced free school meals along with every school having to have free health care this reduced child neglect providing better futures for children
  • tax for the rich

    tax on the rich was made compulsory to provide benfits for the poor and so that the rich were no longer that rich and the poor no longer that poor. the house of lords tried to stop the law from being passed but it was unsuccsefull
  • old age pension

    the chancellor of the exchequer david lloyd george introduced government funded old age pensions were a person over 70 with no other income would recieve 7s 6d
  • dealing with unemployment

    labour exchanges set up places were the unemployed could find work run by volunteers this dealt with the problme of casual work very well and by 1913 labour exchanges were putting 3000 people in jobs every working day
  • The national insurance act

    lloyd George took the idea of insurance to an much larger and wider scale introducing sick pay and unemployment benfits to people below the povery line