Lianne's History Timeline

  • Period: Sep 30, 1400 to

    Exploration to turn of the century

  • Oct 11, 1492

    Spanish Exploration

    Spanish Exploration
    Christopher Columbus aimed to reach Asia and the Spanish rulers gave him money to help his plan. Although, disease like smallpox caused many deaths. This began a massive exploration to the new world.
  • John Winthrop

    John Winthrop
    John Winthrop was a Puritan, and a governor who believed that the English church needed reformation. John had problems with the economy. John loaned the colony some of his own funds. He was financially introuble. John was improving the colony politically, socially,and economically.
  • French And Indian War

    French And Indian War
    King George was faced with paying off debt Britain had accumulated,during the war. This war included struggles with Briain and France. William Pitt, the new British leader,saw the colonial conflicts was the key to building a new British Empire. British received Canada over France and Florida from Spain. It ended with a peace conference.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament. The new tax was imposed by every American colonist and required them to pay a tax on every printed piece of paper they used. The Stamp Act was an attempt to raise money by England. The colonist figured there would be more taxes in the future, starting with the Stamp Act.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary war started with the battle of Lexington followed by the Concord and ended with the adoption of the Constitution. Colonist were divided between those who favored independence, the Patriots and those who supported the british, Loyalists. Others fought on the Britsh side because they were offended freedom from slavery. Most Native Americans supported the British. The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which made the colonies independent. The 13 American colonies formed the United States of America and declared their independence from Britain.
  • First Govornment

    First Govornment
    The first govornment was established by the Articles of Confederation. Although, the Articles gave powers they didnt create a departemnt to enforce the laws or a court system to decide the laws. Many leaders thought they needed a stronger govornment. The president decided to have a govornment with three branches legislative,executive,and judical. Then the antifederalists thought the govornement was too strong. Thats when George Washington, the first president established the new govornment.
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of Rights
    The new constittution had to guarantee people's rights. The states established the first ten amendements. The Bill of Rights helped protect citizens, which was crucial to receive ratification.
  • The Seneca Falls

    The Seneca Falls
    During this time women had nearly no rights. The women had to be dependent on their husband.Their husband could take all their wages that they earned. The husband had the say of her rights. They approved a statement to make women equal in 1848.
  • Thomas Jefferson Becomes President

    Thomas Jefferson Becomes President
    Thomas Jefferson became the third president by 1800. He wanted to make the federal govornment smaller. Jefferson expanded the American territory. He served in Virginia as a govornor, legislature and Continetal Congress.
  • The Market Revolution

    The Market Revolution
    The Market Revolution is known as people increasingly buying goods rather than hand making what they needed. New inventions helped the economy and farmers growth, for example the telegraph, steam powered ships and railroads. Early textiles hired young women for work and they worked long hours in the heat. Factories were a big rise in the nature of work. Sometimes workers wanted to fight for better working conditions.
  • Loss Of Buffalo

    Loss Of Buffalo
    Many Sioux turned to a ritual called the ghost dance, which promised to bring the buffalo back and restore Sioux lands. A nervous army killed around 300 unarmed Sioux in the battle of wounded Knee. Cattle replaced buffalo herds. After the Civil War, ranch owners started shipping cattle to the north by rail to Chicago. Herds ended up growing too large and the era of open range cattle ended.
  • Congress Declares War On Britain

    Congress Declares War On Britain
    Congress delclared war on Great Britain because both France and Britain threatened American merchant ships. The British also seized sailors to join their navy. A few years later the Treaty of Ghent ended the war,but created no clear winner.The war led Americans to create their own industries.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson introduced many great things during his time as president. Including the creation of the National Bank,which made national currency available. The nation built new canals and roads making it easier to travel across the country.
  • Disagreements Over Slavery

    Disagreements Over Slavery
    Many disagreements cause the breakups of the United states over slavery because the differences between North and the South,and debates in the congress. Sourtherns were angry because much of Missouri was owned by the South. Most Northerners disliked the law of owning slaves, and they helped slaves escape using the underground railroad. The Fugitive Act was the first attempt to compromise, and end slavery.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The Civil War started when Confederated forces bombarded the Union in Charleston Bay and it ended when Gernal E. Lee surrendered the army of northern Virginia.There was a battle after this, but they surrender by General Lee is, which is generally known as the end of the Civil War, that ended four years later.
  • Equality Was Established

    Equality Was Established
    Congress created the Freedmen's Bureau to help former slaves,which guaranteed the civil rights of African Americans. Congress also passed the fourteenth Amendement, which made African Americans citizens. Grant was elected president with the help of the African American votes. Later, the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified, it banned states from denying the right to vote to African Americans.
  • Expansion Of Industry

    Expansion Of Industry
    The exspansion of industries changed the nation for better. Industries such as steel, iron,and oil, helped develop skyscrapers, electric railways and the new bridge connecting New York and Brooklyn. Railroads stimulated growth for the nation, and George Pullman built a factory to make railroad sleeping cars.
  • Establishment Of The Railroads

    Establishment Of The Railroads
    Railways totaled more than 200,000 miles. Building railways was dangerous for thousands of workers and many died during this process.The workers earned very little for the difficult job they did. Although the railways helped link the nation, and helped growth in the industries including lumber,glass,steel,and iron.
  • The Depression

    The Depression
    The Depression changed the industry. Many railroads failed,and it was very dangerous working on railroads,which many were injured. By the 1900's seven companies owned most of the nations railways. This depression was one of the worst in history, which included unemployment, the only other time this happened in history was in the Great Depression.