
Liam Dacey Civil war Time line

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

    Civil War Timeline
  • Federal troops pull out of Romney

    Federal troops pull out of Romney
    Federal troops pull out of Romney, Va., as the Confederates under Jackson approach.
  • Republicans meet in Chicago

    Republicans meet in Chicago
    Republicans meet in Chicago. 233 votes needed to secure the nomination. First ballot: William Seward 173.5, Abraham Lincoln 102
    Second ballot: Seward 184.5, Lincoln 181
    Third ballot: Lincoln secures the nomination
  • Southern Democrats meet

    Southern Democrats meet
    Southern Democrats meet and choose John C. Breckinridge as nominee.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected

    Abraham Lincoln is elected
    Abraham Lincoln is elected sixteenth president of the United States, the first Republican president in the nation who represents a party that opposes the spread of slavery in the territories of the United States.
  • The first post-election

    The first post-election
    The first post-election action of a Southern state comes when officials in Charleston, South Carolina, detain an officer who attempts to supervise the transfer of military stores from the city arsenal to the Federal installation of Fort Moultrie.
  • Georgia state legislature authorizes a disbursement of one million dollars

    Georgia state legislature authorizes a disbursement of one million dollars
    The Georgia state legislature authorizes a disbursement of one million dollars for the purpose of arming its militia.
  • Succession convention

    Succession convention
    The first Secession Convention meets in Columbia, South Carolina
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    South Carolina secedes from the Union.
  • The South Carolina convention adopts an ordinance of secession

    The South Carolina convention adopts an ordinance of secession
    The South Carolina convention adopts an ordinance of secession dissolving its connection with the United States of America.
  • The U.S. flag comes down

    The U.S. flag comes down
    The U.S. flag comes down over historic Fort Moultrie in Charleston, S.C., as the garrison departs for an unfinished fortification in the middle of the harbor called Sumter.
  • Mississippi

    Mississippi secedes from the union
  • Florida

    Florida secedes from the union
  • Georgia

    Georgia secedes from the union
  • Texas

    Texas secedes from the union
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis, a West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer, as president.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Inagurated

    Abraham Lincoln is Inagurated
    Abraham Lincoln is officially sworn in as the 16th President of the United States of America.
  • Gen. Pierre Beauregard

    Gen. Pierre Beauregard
    At 4:30 a.m. Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War begins.
  • Virginia

    Virginia secedes from the Union, followed within five weeks by Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, thus forming an eleven state Confederacy with a population of 9 million, including nearly 4 million slaves. The Union will soon have 21 states and a population of over 20 million.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    The Union Army under Gen. Irvin McDowell suffers a defeat at Bull Run 25 miles southwest of Washington. Confederate Gen. Thomas J. Jackson earns the nickname "Stonewall," as his brigade resists Union attacks. Union troops fall back to Washington. President Lincoln realizes the war will be long. "It's damned bad," he comments.
  • Lincoln

    The beginning of an international diplomatic crisis for President Lincoln as two Confederate officials sailing toward England are seized by the U.S. Navy. England, the leading world power, demands their release, threatening war. Lincoln eventually gives in and orders their release in December. "One war at a time," Lincoln remarks.
  • Battle of Mill Springs

    Battle of Mill Springs
    Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky. The Union victory weakened the Confederate hold on the state.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    President Lincoln issues General War Order No. 1 calling for all United States naval and land forces to begin a general advance by February 22, George Washington's birthday.
  • Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

    Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
    Victory for Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee, capturing Fort Henry, and ten days later Fort Donelson. Grant earns the nickname "Unconditional Surrender" Grant.
  • Surrender of Fort Henry

    Surrender of Fort Henry
    Surrender of Fort Henry, Tennessee. The lost of this southern fort on the Tennessee River opened the door to Union control of the river.
  • Battle of Roanoke Island

    Battle of Roanoke Island
    Battle of Roanoke Island, North Carolina. A Confederate defeat, the battle resulted in Union occupation of eastern North Carolina and control of Pamlico Sound, to be used as Northern base for further operations against the southern coast.
  • Surrender of Fort Donelson

     Surrender of Fort Donelson
    Surrender of Fort Donelson, Tennessee. This primary southern fort on the Cumberland River left the river in Union hands. It was here that Union General Ulysses S. Grant gained his nickname "Unconditional Surrender"
  • Willie

    President Lincoln is struck with grief as his beloved eleven-year-old son, Willie, dies from fever, probably caused by polluted drinking water in the White House.
  • Merrimac

    The Confederate Ironclad 'Merrimac' sinks two wooden Union ships then battles the Union Ironclad 'Monitor' to a draw. Naval warfare is thus changed forever, making wooden ships obsolete
  • Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's unprepared troops at Shiloh on the Tennessee River

    Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's unprepared troops at Shiloh on the Tennessee River
    Confederate surprise attack on Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's unprepared troops at Shiloh on the Tennessee River results in a bitter struggle with 13,000 Union killed and wounded and 10,000 Confederates, more men than in all previous American wars combined. The president is then pressured to relieve Grant but resists. "I can't spare this man; he fights," Lincoln says.
  • First Battle of Winchester

    First Battle of Winchester
    First Battle of Winchester, Virginia. After two weeks of maneuvering and battles at Cross Keys and Front Royal, General "Stonewall" Jackson attacks Union forces at Winchester and successfully drives them from the city. The victory is the culmination of his 1862 Valley Campaign.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect. Applauded by many abolitionists including Frederick Douglass, there are others who feel it does not go far enough to totally abolish slavery.
  • Battle of Stones River

     Battle of Stones River
    Battle of Stones River, Tennessee. Fought between the Union Army of the Cumberland under General William Rosecrans and the Confederate Army of Tennessee under General Braxton Bragg, the costly Union victory frees middle Tennessee from Confederate control and boosts northern morale.
  • Union forces flank Lee's Army of Northern Virginia at Fredericksburg

    Union forces flank Lee's Army of Northern Virginia at Fredericksburg
    Union forces in the east begin a new campaign in Virginia to flank Lee's Army of Northern Virginia at Fredericksburg. In the west, a Union army has begun a campaign to surround and take Vicksburg, Mississippi, the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    The Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. General Lee's greatest victory is marred by the mortal wounding of "Stonewall" Jackson, who dies on May 10. Soon after, Lee asks Jefferson Davis for permission to invade the North and take the war out of Virginia.
  • Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi

    Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi
    Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi begins. Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant attack Confederate defenses outside the city on May 19-22. If Vicksburg falls, the Mississippi River will be completely controlled by the Union.
  • The Battle of Brandy Station

    The Battle of Brandy Station
    The Battle of Brandy Station, Virginia. Union cavalry forces cross the Rapidan River to attack General J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry and discover that Lee's men are moving west toward the Shenandoah Valley. The largest cavalry battle of the Civil War, it also marks the beginning of the Gettysburg Campaign. Meanwhile, the Union assault on Vicksburg, Mississippi has become a siege of the city where soldiers and civilians alike suffer from constant bombardment.
  • Battle of Second Winchester

    Battle of Second Winchester
    Battle of Second Winchester,Virginia. Confederate troops under General Richard Ewell defeat Union troops under General Robert Milroy, clearing the Shenandoah Valley of Union forces.
  • The Gettysburg Campaign continues

    The Gettysburg Campaign continues
    The Gettysburg Campaign continues. Confederates pass through York and reach the bridge over the Susquehanna River at Columbia, but Union militia set fire to the bridge, denying access to the east shore. Southern cavalry skirmishes with Union militia near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Sacking of Lawrence

    Sacking of Lawrence
    Sacking of Lawrence, Kansas. In a murderous daylight raid, Confederate and Missouri guerillas under William Clarke Quantrill storm into Lawrence and destroy most of the town. Approximately 150 men and boys are murdered by Quantrill's men.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga

     The Battle of Chickamauga
    The Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. The Union Army of the Cumberland under General William Rosecrans is defeated and nearly routed by the Confederate Army of Tennessee commanded by General Braxton Bragg. Rosecrans' army retreats to the supply base at Chattanooga, Tennessee.
  • Union Capture and Occupation of Meridian

    Union Capture and Occupation of Meridian
    Union Capture and Occupation of Meridian, Mississippi. Union forces under William T. Sherman enter the city of Meridian, Mississippi after a successful month of campaigning through the central part of the state. The capture of this important southern town, well known for its industry and storage capabilities, severely hampers the efforts of Confederate commanders to sustain their armies in the deep south, Georgia and west of the Mississippi River.
  • First Successful Submarine Attack of the Civil War

    First Successful Submarine Attack of the Civil War
    First Successful Submarine Attack of the Civil War. The CSS H.L. Hunley, a seven-man submergible craft, attacked the USS Houstonic outside of Charleston, South Carolina. Struck by the submarine's torpedo, the Housatonic broke apart and sank, taking all but five of her crew with her. Likewise, the Hunley was also lost and never heard from again until discovered in 1995 at the spot where it sank after the attack.
  • Camp Sumter Prison Camp opens

    Camp Sumter Prison Camp opens
    In Georgia, Camp Sumter Prison Camp opens. Universally referred to as Andersonville Prison Camp, it will become notorious for overcrowded conditions and a high death rate among its inmates.
  • Ulysses S. Grant is appointed lieutenant general

    Ulysses S. Grant is appointed lieutenant general
    Ulysses S. Grant is appointed lieutenant general, a rank revived at the request of President Lincoln. Grant assumes command of all Union Armies in the field the following day.
  • The Red River Campaign begins

    The Red River Campaign begins
    The Red River Campaign begins. As part of an overall Union strategy to strike deep into various parts of the Confederacy, a combined force of army and navy commands under General Nathaniel Banks begins a campaign on the Red River in Louisiana.
  • Battle of Sabine Crossroads or Mansfield

    Battle of Sabine Crossroads or Mansfield
    Battle of Sabine Crossroads or Mansfield, Louisiana, the first major battle of the Red River Campaign in Louisiana.
  • Battle of Pleasant Hill

    Battle of Pleasant Hill
    Battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana. The Union Army under Banks defeats the attempt by Confederate forces under General Richard Taylor to drive them out of Louisiana. Unfortunately, the result of the campaign would be less than desired as it drew to a close in the first week of May with Confederates still in firm control of most of the state.
  • Conspirators hanged

    Conspirators hanged
    The four conspirators in Lincoln's assassination are hanged. These men are Davide Harold, George Atzerodt, Lewis Payne, and Mary Surratt. John Surratt escapes to Canada and later makes his way to Egypt so he does not pay for his involvement in Lincoln's death.
  • Gold

    Helena, Montana is founded by four prospectors. They create it after finding gold at Last Chance Gulch, it is their last attempt at finding gold after weeks of looking in the Rockies.
  • Lincoln is re-elected

    Lincoln is re-elected
    Lincoln is re-elected in 1864. His victory is overwhelming because of how many votes he received over George B. McClellan.
  • Burning New york

    Burning New york
    A group of Confederate operatives that call themselves the Confederate Army of Manhattan set fires in more then 20 places. This is their unsuccessful attempt at burning New York down.
  • Fort Stedman

    Fort Stedman
    The Confederate forces capture Fort Stedman from the Union forces. About 2,900 of Lee's men are killed and 1,000 are captured during the counter attack.
  • Richmond

    Confederate Presiden Davis and his cabinet flee the confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia as Union forces near it. The very next day it is captured by the Union.
  • Appottamax

    General Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appottamax courthouse. This marks the end of the Civil War,
  • Washington

    Celebrations break out in Washington.
  • John Wilkes Booth

    John Wilkes Booth
    John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Fords Theater during a performance of My American Cousin. Lincoln is pronounced dead early the next morning. In addition, William Seward and his family are attacked by Booth's co-conspirator, Lewis Powell.
  • Booth is captured

    Booth is captured
    John Wilkes Booth is captured in a barn in Virginia at the Garret's farm. He is shot and killed by Boston Corbett.
  • General Granger

    General Granger
    General Granger arrives in Texas and tells them about the Emancipation Proclamation. It is now celebrated as holiday called Juneteenth
  • Henry Wirz

    Henry Wirz
    Major Henry Wirz is hanged. He was the leader of the atrocious war camp, Andersonville. He becomes the only soldier hanged for war crimes.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment is ratified by three-quarters of the states. This amendment permenantly abolishes slavery in the United States.
  • KKK

    Jonathan Shank and Barry Ownby form the Ku Klux Klan to resist reconstruction as well as to repress the freed African Americans.
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    The last issue of the Liberator is published. The newspaper has now becomes unnecessary because the slaves have been freed.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    The first day light bank robbery takes place in Liberty, Missouri. This was carried out by Jesse James and his gang, although no one is quite sure where Jesse James fits into this event.
  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded in New York by Henry Bergh.
  • Nickel

    Congress approves the minting of a five cent piece, know as the nickel. This eliminates the half dime.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    The 14th amendment is ratified. This gives civil rights to all the freed African Americans.
  • General

    Congress passes the legislation making General of the Army a rank. Ulysses S. Grant is the first to hold that title
  • Tennesee

    Following the Civil War Tennessee becomes the first state readmitted to the Union.
  • Atlantic Cable

    Atlantic Cable
    The Atlantic Cable is established allowing transatlantic telegraph communication for the first time.
  • Robbery

    The first train robbery takes place. The Reno brothers get away with $13,000.
  • Jesse Gang

    Jesse Gang
    Jesse James and his gang robs a bank in Lexington, Missouri. They get away with $2,000
  • African American males are given the right

    African American males are given the right
    African American males are given the right to vote in Washington D.C. Congress over came President Johnson's veto to give the African Americans this right.
  • The first reconstruction act

    The first reconstruction act
    The first reconstruction act sets up five military districts in the South, each under the control of a military commander. The Army Appropriations Act is passed, lessening Johnsons' control on the army. The final act passed is The Tenure Office Act which states that Johnson cannot remove cabinet members without the Senate's consent.
  • Jesse James in Savannah

    Jesse James in Savannah
    Jesse James robs a bank in Savannah,Missouri. The attempt failed with one casualty.
  • Ride

    African Americans stage a ride on streetcars in New Orleans to protest segregation.
  • Alaska

    President Andrew Johnson announces the purchase of Alaska. This would be the second to last state added to the United States of America.
  • Third Reconstruction Act

    Third Reconstruction Act
    Johnson vetoes the third reconstruction act which spells out election procedures in the South and reasserts congressional control over the Reconstruction. Congress overrides Johnsons' veto,
  • Johnson

    Johnson suspends Stanton as Secretary of War after the two clash over reconstruction plans. Johnson places Ulysses S. Grant in the position.
  • Alaska

    The United States officially takes possesion of Alaska from Russia. $7.2 million is paid for it.
  • Impeachment

    Congress looks into impeaching Johnson for his lack of effectiveness and unwillingness to follow through with reconstruction
  • Oliver Hudson Kelley

    Oliver Hudson Kelley
    Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley founds the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry. Today this order is known as the farmers organization Grange.