Lexington of Concord- Constitution of 1789

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    General Thomas Gage was sent to Massachusetts by the British to go against the open rebellion. Paul Revere became aware of this warning the Patriots who ambushed the British at Lexington and then Concord.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Patriot leaderss gathered in Philadelphia about a month after Lexington and Concord. While they were together the British attacked American Fortifications on Breed's Hill and Buckner Hill.
  • Continental Army Formed

    Continental Army Formed
    After 3 assaults John Adams influenced the Congress to create a Continental Army and he nominated George Washington to be the leader.
  • Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis
    Patriots went into a financial stage where they lacked moeny. They were also afriad to tax the poeple so the received bonds form wealthy individuals. When they had no more bonds the made more paper moeny which decreased its value. (Occured until 1779)
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Thomas Paine created a brief pamphlet telling everyone to aim for Independence and a Republican form of government.
  • Independence Declared

    Independence Declared
    Patriots urged to seperate from Britian winning the Congress's approval. (Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decdlaration of Independence. )
  • General Howe

    General Howe
    Lord North ordered General Howe to capture New York City. General's strategie was to capture Hudson river and isolate radical patriots in New England. Howe opposed Coercive Act and attempted to show Americas weaknesses.
  • America's Army

    America's Army
    American army was weak and consisted of 18000 unexperienced recruits. They were also poorly trained.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    British offficer Howe defeated the Americans and forced them to retreat back to Manhattan Island.
  • Saratoga

    In September Howe's army attempted to end the rebellion by capturing rebels but failed. Later in October Americans caught more than 5000 British troops and won a milittary alliance with France.
  • Vally of Forge

    Vally of Forge
    Washington's army retreating to Valley Forgw where 12000 soldiers suffered and near by farmers and families refused to help. Took many lives.
  • French Alliance

    French Alliance
    The French would help the patriots if they ever needed anything and the American Congress would give them anything in the West Indies.
  • Women Seek Public Voice

    Women Seek Public Voice
    Eliza Wilkinson stated that all women wanted was to have liberty. Gradually women began to have a little rights.
  • The Philadelphia Convention

    The Philadelphia Convention
    55 educated delegates arrived in Philedelphia coming from every state but Rhode Island and oppsed increasing central authorirty.
  • Consituiton of 1787

    Consituiton of 1787
    This is led to the drafting of the national constituion.
  • The Constituiton Ratified

    The Constituiton Ratified
    It created a national Republic that urged broad popular support.