Road to Revolution

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  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was imposed by the British. The Stamp Act was an act that made the colonists pay for every printed piece of paper. They had to pay for newspapers, documents, licenses, and other publications. The importance of this was that it was a way for the British to pay for the French and Indian War. They felt as though the colonists should be taxed for it because the British benefited them by protecting them from the Natives.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    It was a deadly riot between the colonists and the British soldiers. It all started started as a street brawl between American Colonists and a British Soldier after he accidentally shot and killed an 11 year old boy. Soon after that, it became a deadly massacre. The importance of the Boston Massacre was that it paved the way for the American Revolution to start.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A group called The Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans and threw 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This showed the British that the colonists were getting sick and tired of them and wouldn’t take taxation and tyranny sitting down anymore. The colonists rallied and protest to fight for their freedom after this. Samuel Adams was the leader of the Sons of Liberty. The importance of this was that it fueled the tension that was going on between the British and colonists.
  • Creation of the First Continental Congress

    Creation of the First Continental Congress
    Delegates from the 13 colonies (except Georgia because they were in the middle with a war with the Native Americans and dependent on the British Military for weapons) composed this as a reaction to the Coercive Acts. Joseph Galloway was a delegate from Pennsylvania. He was a loyalist (wanted to stay loyal to the British crown).The importance of this was to organize the colonial resistance of the Parliament of Coercive Acts.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Lexington and Concord battle took place because tensions between the 13 colonies and the British were raising abruptly everyday because of high taxes, the British acts, etc. Paul Revere is a important person during this time because he helped warn the Colonist the British are coming. It took place in Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay. Towns- Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Menotmy, and Cambridge. The importance of it was that it started the signal of the American Revolutionary
  • Creation of the Second Continental Congress

    Creation of the Second Continental Congress
    It was a convention of delegates from the 13 colonies. The importance of it was it acted as the national government of the 13 colonies in rebellion.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Great Britain defeated Americans at this battle. They may have lost, but they inflicted multiple casualties on Great Britain. Minutemen were used during this bad to help inflict casualties on Great Britain. The importance of this was that it helped the colonists gain confidence in fighting the British because they had a lack of ammunition due to the British having an advantage to ammunition. They [the colonists] believed that they would do better next time.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was a petition from the colonist as a final attempt to avoid going into war during the American Revolutionary War. The first draft of it was written by Thomas Jefferson but it was too inflammatory. John Dickinson wrote the second one (the final one), which was toned down a lot. The importance of it is that signed to appease King George III to prevent conflict with the colonies.
  • Writing and Distribution of Common Sense

    Writing and Distribution of Common Sense
    Common Sense petitioned for the freedom of the American colonies from the British. It is now known as one of the most influential pamphlets every created in American history. The importance of this was that it helped people get persuaded into supporting the idea that America should be an independent nation from Great Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was the first way of having the nation’s people asserting their own belief of who, and what should be their government.Thomas Jefferson was the author who composed the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson could also be a great example of a patriot because he wanted America to be free from Great Britain. The importance of this was that it helped North America to choose their own government.