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slave codes 1682-1705
A series of laws passed mainly in the southern colonies in the late sevenreenth & early eighth centuries to defend the statue of slaves & codify the denial of basic civil right to them. -
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Gabriel Presser's rebellion
slave revolt that failed when Gabriel prosser, a slave preacher & blacksmith, organized a thouasand slaves for an attack on rickmond, Virgina in 1800. -
Denmark veseys conspiracy 1822
The most carefully devised slave revolt in which rebels planned to seize control of Charleston in 1822 & escape to freedom in Haiti, a free black republic, but they were betrayed by other slaves and seventy five conspirators were executed. -
Nat turners Rebellion 1831
Uprising of slaves led by nat Tumer in southamptio country, Virginia in the summer of 1831 that resulted in the death of 55 white people. -
underground railroad
Support system set up by antis lavery group & the north to assist fugitive slaves in escaping the south. -
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Black codes
Laws passed by states and municipalitties denying many rights of citizenship to free black people before the civil war.