Louisiana Purchase
President Thomas Jefferson purchased land from the French for three cents and acre. This is known as the Louisiana Purchase. This is what sparked the Lewis and Clark Expedition. -
Corps of Discovery
There were thirty three people in the Corps of Discovery. twenty nine of them went through training camp before they left. The camps were held at Camp Dubois. -
The Corps of Discovery departed from Camp Dubois on May 14,1804. The met Lewis in St. Charles Missouri. This was the beginning of the expedition. -
Missouri River
Lewis, Clark and the men reached a place in the Missouri with three forks. They decided to name the forks the Jeffferson, the Madison, and the Gallatin. They dicided to take the Jefferson which was the west fork. -
The Lakota were a group of Indians that were very violent. People had warned Lewis and Clark about them and when they met it did not go well. They were very close to fighting a few times. -
Sergent Charles Floyd
Sergent Charles Floyd died from a case of acute appendicitis. He was the only mamber of the expedition to die. Sioux City and Floyd's river is named after him. -
Teton is another Indian tribe Lewix and Clark had troubles with. They called for a metting to try and make them allies. Instead of getting along they started fighting over who would control the river travel and trade along the river. -
Lewis and Clark made camp by the Mandan Indians. They were trying to make the indians allies but it was difficult without a translator. They used a french fur trader to translate, his wife was Sacagawea. -
South Fork
The Corps was camped at Missouri-Marias river. They could on decide what route lead to the Pacific Ocean. After one week they decided to take South Fork. It was the right choice and lead them to the ocean. -
Low Supplies
The Shoshones were very low on all their supplies. Horses were the worst, they barely had any left. They still went on and the Corps almost frozen to death or died of starvation. -
Rest Camp
The expedition stayed at a rest camp in Lolo, Montana. They stayed in another one in Idaho. These camps helped them regain energy and supplies they needed. -
Pacific Ocean
The Corps of Discovery reached the Pacific Ocean on November 6. Clark estimates they traveled 4,142 miles from the mouth of the Missouri river to there. They decided to spend the winter there. -
Fort Clatsop
This was the fort that the Corps lived in during the winter. This for did not just serve as protection but was ther to mark American's presence in that land. It had the American flag flying over the building. -
The expedition reached camp Chopunnish on Clearwater River. They had to stay there due to the bad weather . They stayed ther for almost two weeks. -
Journey Ends
The Corps of Discovery's journey was finally over. They reached St. Louis on September 23, 1806. They reported back to Jefferson and the Corps of Discovery was done.