Lewis and clark

Lewis and Clark expedition

  • Lewisiana perchase treaty

    Lewisiana perchase treaty
    They made the Lawisiana Perchase Treaty
  • Only person dies

    Only person dies
    Sergeant Charles Floyd was the only person to die.
  • Made a camp

    Made a camp
    They established camp River Dubois at mississippi.
  • saagawea

    They met sacajawea.
  • expadition begins

    expadition begins
    They started there expadition.
  • 4th of July

    4th of July
    They had there 4th of July.
  • reached the Columbia river

    reached the Columbia river
    They reached the Columbia river.
  • reached the pacific

    reached the pacific
    There expadition reached the Pacific Ocean.
  • started home

    started home
    They started home
  • They got back

    They got back
    They returned home.