Secret Message to Congress
Thomas Jefferson sends a secret message to Congress asking for approval and funding of an expedition to explore the Western part of the continent. -
Period: to
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Announcement Purchased
News of the Louisiana Purchase is announced. -
Setting up a camp
Expedition members set up camp between the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. -
First encounter
The Corps of Discovery had their first encounter with Oto and Missouri Indians. (Natives) -
Teton Sioux
The Corps has a tense encounter with the Teton Sioux near today's Pierre, South Dakota; one of the Sioux chiefs waves his men off and conflict is averted. -
winter fort
Corps members discover the Mandan village and build winter fort. -
Toussaint Charbonneau
The Corps hires Toussaint Charbonneau, as an interpreter of the journey. -
Grizzly bear
Lewis and another hunter killed a grizzly bear near the Yellowstone River in Montana. -
Heading toward the South
Lewis and Clark decided to head to the south when they come to a Missouri River. -
Discovery of Shoshone
Discovers Shoshone, where Sacagawea recognizes the chief as her long-lost brother, Cameahwait.