Secret Letter
Thomas Jefferson sends a secret letter to Congress asking for $2,500 for commerce an expedition for explore the Missouri River. -
Ready for journey
Lewis is sent to Philadelphia to be tutored by some of the nation’s leading scientists. He also purchases supplies that will be needed on the journey. -
Ready for Journey
Lewis is sent to Philadelphia to be tutored by some of the nation’s leading scientists. He also purchases supplies that will be needed on the journey. -
Start Journey
USA purchase of the 820,000 square mile Louisiana area from France for $15 million. Next day, Lewis leaves Washington and start his long journey. -
Lewis arrives at Clarksville, across the Ohio River from present-day Louisville, Kentucky. -
First council with Indians
Lewis and Clark hold their first council with Indians. They meet with a group of Oto and Missouri chiefs near present-day Council Bluffs, Iowa. They hand out peace medals and other gifts, and Lewis delivers a speech. -
Arrives at the earth-lodge
The Expedition arrives at the earth-lodge villages of the Mandan and Hidatsa tribes, near present-day Bismarck, North Dakota. -
Send the keelboat down the MissouriRiver
Lewis and Clark send the keelboat down the Missouri
River with a shipment for President Jefferson. -
Rocky Mountain
Lewis sees the Rocky Mountains for the first time in his life. -
The summer home of the Shoshone
Sacagawea recognizes a land feature and tells the explorers they are close to the summer home of the Shoshone people. -
To cross the Rocky Mountain
Sacagawea is reunited with her brother, the Shoshone chief Cameahwait, and helps negotiate for horses needed by the Expedition to cross the Rocky Mountains.