Train Ride to Poland
On a train to Poland escaping from Berdichev, so her brothers didnt have to go into the Russian Army, Rifka had to distract the guards to keep them from finding her brothers. When Rifka couldnt distract the guards anymore her Uncle Arvum helped her by saying his factory was robbed. -
Period: to
Rifka's Journey
Rifka's journey was from Septmeber 2 1919 to October 20 1920. in this year Rifka suffered a hard time. -
The family arrived at the station in Poland and they had to be examined by a doctor upon entering the country. The guards took their bags to examine them, when they returned the bag their candlesticks were gone. -
Stranded in Poland from sickness, Rifka has gotten a terrible illness called typus.Everyone but Saul got sick. Typus is a serious illness in which you can die from it. -
Rifka recovers from typhus, but her mom, her dad and Nathan get worse. Saul and Rifka find a place to stay while the family recovers. While eating breakfast Rifka saves her food for Saul since he's a growing man then takes a nap. She wakes up when she hears a noise and a girl is stealing her food. She then she goes to visit her mother in the hospital. -
Traveling to Warsaw
The whole family is feeling better, they are traveling to Warsaw to get on the ship. While on the train she meets a women with a baby who was going to visit her sister. Rifka fixes the womens hair and talk. The women realized she was not Polish and asked where she was going. Rifka told her they were going to America and the lady told her she would never leave Poland. After Rifka finished the kind lady's hair she saw the baby was sleeping and went back to her family. -
On the Way to America
When they go to the examine station before they could get their ticket to America the family had to get checked by a doctor. When the doctor checked their scalps everyone got checked but Rifka. She walked up to the doctor and the doctor wouldnt let her go through, she had ringowrms. She couldnt go to America. Her dad tried to bribe the doctor. -
Gone but Not Forgetten
The family sat in HIAS the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to figure out what to do with Rifka. They got money for food then they discussed the situation. They decided to leave Rifka with a family in Belguim until her ringworms is cured. -
Left in the Alone
Rifka was left to go to Belgium alone. She celebrated her thirteenth birthday with no family. Sister Katrina helped Rifka get cured. She is learning how to speak Flemish. -
Lost Alone
Rifka was walking home alone and something startled her so she ran. Rifka ran until nothing looked familiar. She was lost! She saw a milkman in a carriage and he remindered her of her Uncle Zeb. He kindly helped her find her home on King Street again. She talked and he listened until she was home. -
Friends are found
Rifka went and played out in the park and met a girl named Gizelle. Gizelle reminded her of Hannah. She arrived in Antwerp, Belgium and met the family she'll be staying with while she is being cured. -
Freedom to America
RIfka is completely cured, she is leaving for America. Rifka is taking a ship the next day, the fifteenth of September. She said good- bye to her friends and bought Sister Katrina a bouquet of flowers. -
An Ocean Away
Rifka is on the ship.She meets a man named Pieter. They talked and talked about Rifkas family, and the fact that she can speak so many languages. -
Alone Again
A terrible storm occured during her trip to America and she looses Pieter, her only friend on the boat. She got sick sitting in steerage with no one to talk to. The violent storm ruined the deck leaving nothing bolted down. -
America is Home
Rifka will arrive at Ellis Island. She heard a noise on the deck so she went up to see what it was. It was people shouting with joy when they saw the Statue of Liberty. -
Am I Entering?
Rifka was told she couldn't enter America yet. She had to go to the hospital of contagious diseases. She was being held because of her ringworm, the doctar wanted to be sure the ringworm was gone. -
Stuck Alone
Rifka is learning English very fast. She is translating what the doctors say to the Polish and Russian patients. She met a little baby with typus, she started taking care to the baby, who didn't have a mother. She also met a Russian peasant. He became attached to Rifka, he went everywhere she did. -
Visit from the Big Brother
Saul came to visit Rifka, he didn't recognize her. Dotor Askin came to meet Saul but Saul didn't say anything. He was surprised that she can read and speak English. Sual met Ilya, and they didn't along very well. Saul didn't like Rifka talking to him because he is a peasant. -
Not Alone
Rifkas moother visited her. She brought a piece of honey cake for her thirteenth birthday. Rifka told her mom all about Antwerp and Sister Katrina and showed her momther her scalp. Rifkas mom met the baby that Rifka takes care of. -
Stay Away from What You Dont Know
Rifka and Ilya were walking through a part of the hospital they dont know very well. Ilya ran into a bathroom stall and took the toliet paper and started running around with it. Rifka got very angry with Ilya and yelled at him, they ran into Nurse Bowen's office they told her what happened and she laughed, she told Rifka that in America it is not illegal to waste paper. -
Gone but Still Remembered
The baby with typus died. Rifkas scalp started to itch again, she was afraid to take off her kerchief to look. She didn't want to get sent back to Berdichev. -
Finally Entering
Rifka and Ilya had to be examined. Ilya went first he had to read in his native language he didnt listen. Rifka pleaded to his uncle because Ilya thought he was unwanted but his uncle really wanted his. When he finally read he got clearance to enter America. Then Rifka had to go, she had to be examined to see if her hair is growing back, its not, but that didn't let that stop her. Saul took the Pushkin from Ilya and told Rifka to read the poems she wrote. This gave her clearance into America.