Lesson 4.1 Online Health

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    "Effective parenting (nurturing, supportive parenting that includes clear and consistent discipline) can prevent negative behaviors and also promote pro social behaviors and values." (iBook pg.3) The way parents help their children can help them have a better life and be more successful.
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    "Parental monitoring and supervision may prevent children from associating with deviant peers." (iBook pg.3) By being involved in their children's life, parents can help them make better choices and hang out with the right people. Parents do need to be aware that being around too much can cause problems for their child too.
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    "While the best friendship does seem to be an important influence, emerging evidence indicates that other peers also play an important role." (iBook pg.3) All friends and even other people that kids talk to, can affect their behavior and their choices. Even if someones best friend is a good influence, the other people around them can be negatively influencing them.
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    "Youth who have already engaged in a particular behavior also tend to assume that they are in the majority and that others are engaging in similar risk behaviors." (iBook pg.4). Many kids don't realize that others aren't doing risky things like they are. Once kids start doing things that aren't smart, it can be hard for them to see how risky things are. Once a kid gets away with one thing, they start to believe that they can get away with more.
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    Personal Impact

    My friends effect my decisions almost everyday. They help me realize why school is important and motivate me to keep working towards my good grades. My friends at school have a huge positive impact on me.
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    Personal Impact

    My friends at dance have both a positive and negative impact on my life. For the most part, their impact is positive. We all hang out outside of dance and have sleepovers, which positively impacts all of us. My friends at dance do have a negative impact on my life because they tend to put peer pressure others. There is a lot of pressure at dance to get better and be perfect which is not a good or healthy impact on any of our lives.