Lesson 3 The War in Europe

  • Battle for North Africa

    Roosevelt orders the invasion of Morocco and Algeria-two French territories indirectly under German control
  • Suez Canal

    After a 12 day battle, the British secured the Suez Canal and forced Rommel to retreat.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    By August German submarines had sunk 360 American ships. In May and June alone 1.2 million tons of shipping were sunk. U.S. Navy set up a convoy system in which cargo ships traveled in groups escorted by warships.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Hitler ordered his army to capture strategic oil fields, factories, and farmlands in southern Russia and Ukraine. Stalingrad was a major railroad junction was key to the attack. If taken the Germans would cut off the Soviet’s resources to stay in the war.
  • Stalingrad

    November 1942, Soviet reinforcements arrived and surrounded Stalingrad, trapping 50,000 German troops.When the battle ended in February 1943, 91,000 Germans had surrendered. Only 5,000 survived Soviet prison camps.
  • Tehran Conference

    In lat 1943, Roosevelt Stalin and Churchhill meet in Tehran, Iran. Stalin promised to launch a full scale offensive against the Germans when the Allies invaded France in 1944. Roosevelt and Stalin agreed to divide Germany after the war so that it would never again threaten world peace. Stalin promised to help the U.S. against Japan.
  • Period: to

    Strategic Bombing

    The Royal Air Force and the United States Eighth Air Force dropped approximately 53,000 tons of explosives on Germany every month causing severe oil shortage and wrecking the railroad system.
  • German troops in North Africa Surrender.

    After Eisenhower put General George Patton in command, American and British forces pushed the Germans back and German troops in North Africa Surrendered.
  • Allies landed in Sicily

    From July to August Allies begin the liberation of Italy.
  • Capturing Rome

    It took 5 months for Allies to break through German lines. In late May 1944 the Germans retreated and 2 weeks later the Allies captured Rome.
  • D Day

    7,000 ships carrying 100,000 soldiers headed for Normandy’s coast. 23,000 paratroopers were dropped inland. 35,000 American troops landed at Omaha beach and 23,000 had landed at Utah. 75,000 British and Canadian troops landed as well. In the successful invasion of Normandy. 2,500 American were either killed or wounded on Omaha beach.