
Lesson 2.02: World War II

By hunters
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany could only invade Britain if Germany gained control of the air. German planes bombed British air and naval bases, harbors, communication centers, and war industries. The British fought back and attacked Berlin. Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to began massive bombing of British cities instead of military targets. This gave Britain time to rebuild their air strength quickly. The British air force took out major part of the Luftwaffe bombers. Hitler never attempted to invade Britain again.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Hitler thought that Britain was remaining in the war only because it expected Soviet support. He also, was convinced that the Soviet Union had a pitiful army and could be defeated quickly. Hitler invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. An early winter and a strong Soviet resistance, stopped the German advance. The Germans had not planned for winter uniforms.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941, the Japanese did a surprise attack by aircraft on U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Americans unified and became involved in the war. The United States joined with European nations and Nationalist China in a combined effort to defeat Japan.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Hitler decided that Stalingrad needed to be taken because it was a major industrial center on the Volga River. Between November 1942 and February 2, 1943, the Soviets launched a counterattack. German troops were stopped and then encircled, and supply lines were cut off, all in frigid winter conditions. The Germans were forced to surrender at Stalingrad. The entire German Sixth Army, considered the best of the German troops, was lost.
  • Battle of Normandy

    Battle of Normandy
    D-Day is the World War II military operation which took place on June 6, 1944. Involved a water landing by the Allies on the beaches of Normandy, France. It is the largest military operation by sea in history, and had a great significance to the war. The invaders were able to establish a beachhead and gained a victory that became the turning point of WWII.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin was the last major battle in Europe during World War II. It resulted in the surrender of the German army and an end to Adolf Hitler's rule. The Soviet Army ultimately captured Berlin on April 15,1945. In the end, knowing that defeat was imminent, Hitler committed suicide.