lesson 19 timeline

  • George Washington 2 key principles

    Neutrality was the first principle that President Washington established during the outbreak of war between France and Great Britain
  • Washingtons Farewell Address

    It was not a speech but a written statement. Helped shape American foreign policy
  • President Thomas Jefferson arranged for American diplomats to purchase New Orleans

    Louisiana Purchase
  • President Jame Madison

    President Madison undertook the challenge of defending neutrality and he asked congress for a declaration of War
  • The War of 1812

    Lasted for more than two years. GB does not challenge the USA anymore.
  • James Monroe took office

  • US Diplomats persuaded Spain to cede Florida to the US.

    We get Florida
  • Russia issued a decree

    This decree extended its colony south into territory claimed by United States and Great Britain.
  • Moses Austin received permission from Spain to found a colony in Texas

  • President Monroe Speech

    In this speech, she warned Americans and stated that Americans should consider European interference. This tells Europeans to stay away
  • Sam Houston was Texas commander in Chief and declared Texas independent country

  • President James K. Polk declared that US had a claim on an area

  • Britain signed a treaty dividing the region at the 49th parallel.

    We get Oregon territory
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

    We get more land.
  • Japanese didnt accept Perrys offer

  • Small fleet of American Warships into Edo bay

    Commodore Matthew Perry led a small fleet of American Warships into Edo Bay, Japan (Tokyo) to open up Japan to American shipping and trade.
  • creation of 1858 treaty

    The Japanese government promised to consider the letter, so Perry went back to negotiate a treaty. Japanese did not agree with trade created 1858 treaty
  • Midway islands

  • Alaska purchase

  • Period: to

    Boxer rebellian