Lesson 1 Wartime America

  • Germany attacks Poland, Roosevelt expands army to 227,000 soldiers.

  • Department of Agriculture transfers over 350,000 acres to the War Department

    Naval Air Station was built in Jacksonville FL
    Elgin Air Force Base was expanded
  • Congress authorizes $150 million for housing

    Cities with war industries had to find room for thousands of arriving workers. Trent cities and parks with tiny trailers were springing up.
  • Air Force creates first African American unit.

    99th Pursuit Squadron, trained in Tuskegee Alabama
  • Roosevelt’s Executive Order 8802

    Stated “there shall be no discrimination in the employment of workers in the defense industries or government because of race, creed, color, or national origin.”
  • Women join the Armed Forces

    Creation of Women’s Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), not part of the regular Army
  • Industries and companies converted to war production

    All major industries and 200,000 companies converted to war production
  • National Housing Agency (NHA)

    Roosevelt created the NHA to coordinate government housing programs
  • Period: to

    Mexican farmworkers used to help harvest crops

    Federal government arranged for Mexican farmworkers to help harvest crops in the Southwest as part of the Bracero Program
  • Executive Order 9066

    Allowed War Department to declare any part of the United States a military zone as needed.
  • WAAC changed to WAC

    C0 replaces Women’s Army Corps (WAWomen’s Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)
  • U.S. military bases integrated

  • Sailors attack Mexican neighborhoods in Los Angelas

    After rumors of zoot-suitors attacking several sailors, 2,500 soldiers and sailors attack Mexican American neighborhoods
  • Racial Violence Erupts in Detroit

    African American face suspicion and intolerance. Fighting between white and African American teens triggered a citywide riot that left 25 African Americans and 9 whites dead
  • Korematsu v, United States

    Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 gave the military the power rot exclude people of ?Japanese descent from areas that were deemed important to U.S. national defense
  • Truman fully integrated military