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Leonard Nimoy
Leonard Nimoy's birthday
His birthplace was in Boston Massachussets -
Leonard Nimoy starred in an amateur performance of Hansel and Gretel at age 8
Leonard Nimoy's first time starring in a movie
The movie he starred in was called Kid Monk Baroni -
Leonard Nimoy marries Sandy Zober
Leonard Nimoy's first child
Leonard Nimoy's first child is named Julie -
Leonard Nimoy's second child
Leonard Nimoy's second child is named Adam -
First photographic showing at a gallery
Leonard Nimoy earns his master's degree in teaching
Leonard Nimoy earns a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Leonard Nimoy Divorces Sandy Zober/Nimoy
Leonard Nimoy marries Susan Bay
Setting up the Nimoy foundation
The Nimoy foundation is meant to support recognize and encourage the work of contemporary artists