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Leon Trotsky

  • Leon Trotsky's Birth

    Leon Trotsky's Birth
    Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky's original name) was born on this date. He was born in Yanakova, Russia, now part of Ukraine. He was a member of the middle class of Russia. He was the son of a Jewish farmer and an educated mother. He had a brother and sister, both younger. (Schiebel)
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    Leon Trotsky's life

  • Trotsky moves to Odessa

    Trotsky moves to Odessa
    Trotsky was sent to be taught in the city of Odessa with his cousin. Odessa was a mash of many cultures, so Trotsky had many influences in his education. (Coolidge)
  • Georges Seurat Unveils A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

    Georges Seurat Unveils A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
    Georges Seurat's most famous painting was unveiled at an impressionist expo in Paris. Seurat uses a unique style called pointillism. This painting took two years and is currently located in the Art Institute of Chicago. (Britanica)
  • Trotsky is Sentenced

    Trotsky is Sentenced
    Leon Trotsky is sent to exile in Siberia. This is after a two year jail stint before being brought to trial. He was sentinced for his involvement with the South Russian Workers' Union. (Schiebel)
  • Trotsky Escapes

    Trotsky Escapes
    Trotsky leaves Siberia gaining his alias on the way, as Leon Trotsky was the name on his fake passport. Trotsky actually leaves his family behind and heads eventually to London and meets Georgi Plekhanov (one of his advasaries), Vera Izasclich, Julius Martov (leader of the Menzivichs) and Vladimir Lenin (leader of the Bulshevik). (Schiebel)
  • First Airplane Flight

    First Airplane Flight
    This was the first day the Wright brothers took flight. The first plane flight lasted 58 seconds and was at a height of 852 feet. They then left for Europe to prove that they had succeeded in flight and sell their invention. (History)
  • Trotsky Arrested Again

    Trotsky Arrested Again
    After moving back to Russia, Trotsky organizes a strike in St. Petersburg and is arrested for it. While in prison he develops and publishes his first book on his theory of permanant revolution, "Results and Prospects." He is then sent back to Siberia not to escape until the outbreak of the Russian Revolution. (Schiebel)
  • Ford Unveils Model T

    Ford Unveils Model T
    On this day the first Model T car was made. Eventually over 15 million of these cars were made by 1927. They were built on the largest production line for a car until the Volkswagon Beetle in 1972. (History)
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    On this day the immense ocean liner "Titanic" sank. The ship sank off the coast of Canada after hitting an iceberg, on its way to New York from Ireland. The ship carried 2,200 passengers; 1,500 die on this voyage. (History)
  • Trotsky Named Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    Trotsky Named Commissar of Foreign Affairs
    After the Russian Revolution, Trotsky is appointed as the Commissar of Forign Affairs to negotiate with the Germans after World War I. Trotsky stood agianst the treaty of Brest-Litovsk though he was the deciding vote for it in order to end negotiations and establish the new soviet government of Russia. After this Trotsky resigns from his position. (Schiebel)
  • Trotsky Appointed Commissar of War

    Trotsky Appointed Commissar of War
    Directly after his resignation Trotsky was made the leader of the army. His first task was to build the Red Army to deal with the impending Civil War. After proving himself here he becomes Lenin's right hand man. (Schiebel)
  • Isaac Asimov is Born

    Isaac Asimov is Born
    On this day the famed Science Fiction author is born in Petrovichi, Russia. Soon after his birth his family immigrates to America. Asimov was compelled to learn, teaching himself to read by the age of five and graduating high school at 15. Asimov's most famous works "I, Robot" and the Foundation series, published in the 1950's. Asimov died on April 6, 1992. (History)
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    Lenin dies and leaves advice to make sure Russia lasts. One of these pieces of advice was to demote Stalin and premote Trotsky. Yet this did not happen as Stalin had built up a lot of support, so soon Trotsky was forced out. (Schiebel)
  • The Invention of the Television

    The Invention of the Television
    On this day the first practical television was made. This technology was to be displayed for the public a year later. By the 1950's the television was placed in most living rooms in America. (History)
  • Trotsky's Son Dies

    Trotsky's Son Dies
    Lev Sedov, his son was in Paris when he died. He was in good heath, so it is belived he was poisioned by the GPU. This sets trotsky on edge because he knows his death will be ordered soon. (Jackson)
  • Trotsky Assassinated

    Trotsky Assassinated
    On this date Leon Trotsky was assassinated by Ramon Mercador. Trotsky was living in Mexico City after his exile by the Soviet government. He was killed indirectly by Stalin and directly by an ice pick injury. (Jackson)