Leon's psychosocial stages

  • Generativity or Stagnation

    Generativity or Stagnation
    In the late 70's, my parents chose to leave their lives in the Midwest and move to Alaska. They both left large families behind, and were not as close to their families as they would have liked to be. This choice can be applied to Erikson's 7th stage, "Generativity vs Stagnation." While professionally my parents chose generativity by searching for adventure and opportunity, I think it is also important to explain that they, my mother in particular, let her family relationships stagnate.
  • Identity

    When I was 16 years old I decided to quit playing violin, even though I was pretty good. I wanted to do more sports, even though I am not athletic. This decision illustrates Erikson's 5th stage of development, "Ego Identity vs Role Confusion." I was never going to be professional at either activity, and it was important to me to decide my personality and self-defining activities. My mother was not pleased, but she allowed me personal freedom to grow.
  • Integrity Vs Despair

    Integrity Vs Despair
    When my mother retired from her professional career, she started a new career as an artist. She had been an artist all along, but was forced away from art to make money and raise children. Now she can dedicate herself to making may forms of art. Rather than despair, or be bored, she was true to herself and continues to work hard every day. In Erikson's stage of "Integrity vs Despair" she firmly chose integrity. If you want to see more, go to www.eliseroseart.com