Treaty of paris
The treaty of paris was sighed by Great Britian, France, and Spain. It ended the seven years of war. The freanch lost to the english. -
Proclamation of 1763
The proclamation of 1763 in effect, they lost the fromtier to colonial expantion. It all started because of the celebration of the colinest of winning the french and indian war. -
stamp act L
The stamp act wasthe law on the colinies that taxed every peice of paper printed -
The Quartering act
An act to amend and render more effecttual in majestics dominations in america. An act of present parlement and better payment for the army head quarters. -
The townshend act
They began to tax the colienest for glass, paint, oil, lead, and ten were disged of raising $ 40,000 a year for the administration of the colinies. -
Boston Massacre P
The boston massacure was a street fight in wich a group of collinesest were throwing snowballs at the (red coats) british soilders. in resalt tension was built up nd the british stated fiering at the colinest. Many collinest were killed. -
Boston tea party L P
A group of patriots from massachusetts protested to the british on the monopoly of tea inportated to america. They raided three tea ships in boston harbor, they through 342 chests of tea into the harbor. -
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Intalerable acts
the government spent immence sums of money on troops and equipment in an etemp to subjusate massachusetts -
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the first contenential congress
The first contenential congress met in carpenters hall in philadelphia. All of the colenist exept georgia sent delagates. these were elected by the people. -
The battle of lexington and concord
started the american revolutionary war, tensoin had been built for many years between the colinies and britian. Hundreds of british troops marched from boston to concord. -
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Decloration of independance.
The decloration of independance is a one of the most cherished symbols of liberty. It declated independance from england to have america to be its own country. -
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Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga was a crucial victory for the colinest. This was one of the major turning points of the war. The freanch provided much needed supplies and support for the colinest. -
battle of Yorktown
The battle of Yorktown wat the most inportant battle of the revolutionary war. George Washington lead 17,000 men to yorktown vergina to face 9,000 british troops. They coaght the british troops by surprise. -
treaty of paris
It was formal agreement between america and britian. It recignized americas indipendence from britian and established new borders