
Lenah Tucker WWII Timeline

By Lenah
  • Mussolini’s March on Rome

    Mussolini’s March on Rome
    The March on Rome was the beginning of fascist rule and meant the end of parliamentary regimes of socialists and liberals.
  • Stalin becomes dictator of USSR

    Stalin becomes dictator of USSR
    Stalin was hailed as Lenin's successor after he died in January 1924.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    Mein Kampf is an autobiography by Hitler about his leadership and the future of Germany.
  • 1st “five year plan” in USSR

    1st “five year plan” in USSR
    The first five year plan was created to start rapid, large-scale industrialization across the USSR.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Japan invaded the Chinese province Manchuria and they gained control over large sections of China over the next few years.
  • Holodomor

    Holodomor refers to the starvation of millions of Ukranians because of the Soviets.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    Ex Chancellor Franz von Papen and other leaders convinced President Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler.
  • “Night of the Long Knives” in Germany

    “Night of the Long Knives” in Germany
    The Night of Long Knives was the purge of political opponents and was carried out by the SS and the Gestapo. Over 150 people were murdered and more arrested.
  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Italian invasion of Ethiopia
    Italy invaded Ethiopia and started a war that would drive Ethiopian Emperor into exile, and pave the way to Italian occupation.
  • Nuremberg Laws enacted

    Nuremberg Laws enacted
    The Nuremberg Race Laws were laws the Nazis put in place so their ideas about race could be placed into law.
  • The Great Purge and gulags

    The Great Purge and gulags
    The Great Purge gathered political prisoners and they were forced to do hard labor under terrible conditions.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    The Spanish Civil War started because of political issues, a long with social and economic disparity.
  • The Rape of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking
    The Rape of Nanking was the mass murder of Chinese people in Nanjing after the Battle of Nanking by the Inperial Japanese Army.
  • Kristallnacht

    The Nazis declared war against German and Austrian Jews, and they vandalized Jewish shops and arrested many Jews.
  • Nazi Germany invades Poland

    Nazi Germany invades Poland
    Nazi Germany, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union invaded Poland and began WWII.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    The Attack on Pearl Harbor was driven by political self-interests and lack of economic resources on Japan's part.