Magna Carta
American Revolution
according to google: 1765 – 1783 -
USA Independence
Constitution recognises equality before the law
Adoption of American Constitution
Adoption of the Bill of Rights
- 10 firsts amendments are adopted
Adoption of Rights of Men and Citizen
American Bill of Rights
- 10 first amendments
Period: to
Co-existence of Empire and Nation-State
Period: to
Co-existence of Empire and Nation-State
Creation of State General
composed of 3 groups.
Nobility, Clergy, Rest of ppl. 1 group= vote -
Storm of the Bastille
TODAY= FRENCH NATIONAL DAY overturning the king's power -
La marche des femmes à Versailles
Uprising of black slaves in San Domingo, lead change it National Assembly
Citizenship is given to all free blacks in colonies + possible for black representation in Paris
Project of more democratic constitution
project of constitution with universal male suffrage. But not real yet -
Proclamations of Universal Suffrage
Not applied yet (it's gonna really be applied in 1944) -
Abolition of slavey French colonies
French Civil Code
Italy and Germany did not exist yet
Period: to
Congress of Vienna
Period: to
Waves of revolution (1)
French Revolution -
Division of World in Civil and Uncivil States
- Civil states = uses international laws
- Uncivil states = does not fall under discourse of international laws
Period: to
Waves of revolution (2)
- French Revolution
July Revolution
Census suffrage - RESTORATION
Adoption of Belgian constitution
Reform Act
All territories are gonna be represented in parliament
BUT most working men still unrepresented because no property. MAIN CRITERIA -> Property -
UK: 18% of men population had right to vote
Middle class pol. citizenship
Spring Time People - Year of Revolution
- Adaptation of male universal suffrage
- Abolition of slavery in French colonial empire
Waves of revolution (3)
- French Revolution
- Highest point of revolution Age
Seneca Falls Congress (NYC)
- First Women convention By Elizabeth Stanton
Women excluded from revolutionary movements + pol. participation
Primary and Secondary school compulsory
19th century - no exact date in course -
Wars Between Majors Europeans States
Battle of Solferino
France vs Italy vs Autrian -
Women get right to go to universities BUT no diplomas
Period: to
American Civil War
Publication of the book "A memory of Solferino"
Wrote by Henri Dunant -
International Committee of the Red Cross
- in Geneva
- first humanitarian text signed in history (by 12 states)
Lieber Code
Period: to
Discussion about International Law
by states and institutions -
Emancipation of slaves
through 13th amendment -
Recognition of (political) citizenship to all men that participate in war effort
thought 14th (citizenship) and 15th (suffrage) amendment -
Working class receives political citizenship
Working class pol. citizenship
Unmarried women receives right to vote at local elections
Unmarried women pol. citizenship
First women candidate for presidential elections
Victoria Woodough (sent to prison) -
Institute of International Law
in Gent -
Decline in African American's rights
1870's -
Women allowed to study in universities
end of 1870's -
"Code de l'indigénat" in French colonies
End of Illegality of workers coalition + new social legislation
Agricultural labours receives their citizenship
Parti Ouvrier Belge
Massacre of Peterloo in Manchester
- Demonstration for more political rights that ends up brutally
Decrease of black voting
1890's = mechanism of reinforcement of white supremacy -
Balance of power being destructed: all powers are in war
1890's -
Emergence of Idea of Codifying International Law
1890's -
Period: to
International Government
End of 19th only -
Elections in Belgium
- No socialist elected
Ligue Belge du Droit des Femmes
Universal Suffrage for men with plural vote
- Christene Volkspartij
- Commission to discuss the C° that should open political rights
Vote made compulsory
- some socialists elected
Birth of International Law as Known Today
End of 19th -
Hague Regulation
- 25 participants
- More Europeans
Law to allow women to become magistrate failed
Liberals tries to pass a law that allows women to become lawyers, but it doesn't pass -
Hague Convention VI
Respecting the laws and customs of war on land -
Belgian Law to Implement The Hague Regulations
Belgium adopts a law to implement The Hague Regulation -
Emeline Trial (Founder of Suffragette movement)
Creation of Suffragette movement in Belgium
Period: to
At the end people want justice. They are not going to sign peace treaties and do as nothing happened -
Burning of the University of Louvain By the Germans
Sinking of the Lusitania ship By the Germans
Join Declaration
On the Massacre of Americans -
Execution of Edith Cavell By the German
British Nurse accused of helping allied soldiers -
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Universal suffrage
- Men +21 or +19 if party of armed force
- Women if they have property
British Campaign for Punishment
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
Describes how he thinks Europe should look like after the war -
universal suffrage
men + 21 or +19
women +30 and property -
Law of 19 may that codifies the electoral code
- all men gains universal suffrage
Right for American Women to vote WITH 19th AMENDMENT C°
Period: to
Peace Negociation in Versailles
For peace between those who have won the WWI -
Criminalization of birth control
Association of birth control to abortion -
Extradition List
The League of Nation
- Seat: Geneva
- 24 States Members
Right for women to vote at local level + eligibility
- some categories of women can also vote at national level
Men and Women eligible at local and national level
Indian Citizenship Act
All Indians receives citizenship -
USA becomes part of the LN
The Kellog-Briand Pact
War is made illegal, but no impact because no mechanism of enforcement -
Equally + full suffrage for women
System of International Law disappearing
End 1920's -
Cats and Mouse Act
Total of 60 states in the LN
Spanish Civil War
End 1930's -
Munich Agreement
Destruction of States that have been created after the war -
Beginning of the WWI
Starts in Poland -
The Atlantic Charter By Roosevelt and Churchill
- GB + USA
- System of security of all countries that are under Nazi rules
St-James Declaration
- Seek punishing war crimes committed during the WWII
- Perpetrators + organisers are going to be judged
Declaration of the United Nations
- Nations that Unite Together NOT the UN
- Signed by 26 States
Moscow Declaration
meeting of USA, SU, British -
The United Nation War Crimes Commission
- Assembled huge amount of information about camps etc
- Huge help for TPIN -
Invention Of Concept Of Genocide By Lemkin
Universal suffrage
International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg
- First Moment of International Justice
- To judge crimes of WWII
United Nation Charter (UN)
- A lot of commissions are going to be created within the UN
- Permanent Institution that Monitor International Peace
Resolution 94 and 96 (UN)
- Resolution 95: Recognized IT ad hoc as being part of its principles
- Resolution 96: Recognized Genocide as International Crime
- Leads to 1948 conclusion: Genocide Convention + UDHR
Postdam Conference
Discussion between winners of the WWII (USA, SU, GB) -
London Agreement
- Discussion to create the TPIN
- Definition of new kinds of crimes: international crime against humanity, peace and war crimes...
Morgan v. Virginia
Segregation transport case -
End of Nuremberg Trial
Period: to
Tokyo Tribunal
Not an International Pact but decided by the American Mark Arthur -
Period: to
Universal suffrage for MEN and WOMEN
Right for women to become magistrate
- Still struggles exerting this right
First Women depute elected at local level
Marie Spaak -
Genocide Convention
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- One of the firsts documents adopted by the UN
- Important for conceptualisation of rule of law
Amendment of Geneva convention of 1864
Convention that amend the ICRC to make it compatible with new laws that war had been conducted -
First election in Belgian Congo
- Possibility to create parties (1950's)
Disenfranchisement of black men
- lost right to vote
- lost places in congress
- missing enforcement of 13th, 14th, 15th amendment by the president
Period: to
Revival of Rule of Law
All Trials Finished
Brown v. Broad education
Period: to
War of independence in French Empire
- Bloodies war
Rosa Park boycott of Montgomery bus
Women right to have a bank account
Global context of contestation + series of historical trials
The Civil Right Act
- system of Jim Crows Laws
The Voting Right Act
Leaves out all obstacle for African American to vote -
Strike of Women of FN Herstal
Increase o voting
Late 1960's voting passed from 40% to 60% with the adoption of the 24th amendment -
Roe v. Wade
Court ruled unconstitutional to make abortion in all condition -
Law allow publicity of birth control and contraception means
Period: to
August Pinochet Dictature
Simone Veil Speech about Abrogation
At National Assembly in France
- Discrimination of abortion
- Suspension of 317 articles of penal code, temporal then permanently -
Gender studies become topic of research
1970's -
End of Spain dictatorship
Spain and Portugal are turning for dictatorship to democracy -
Full equality between husband and spouse
Discrimination against women is made illegal
Made illegal to fire pregnant women -
Political independence of European countries
Europeans countries starts to adopt new Constitutions (rule of law) -
Abortion is made legal
Arusha Peace Agreement
- One of the firsts document using the rule of law
- Is going to be a failure bc the genocide happens 1 year later
International Criminal Court