Brown vs. Board of Education
Segrated schools are ruled unconsitutional and the desegration of the the United States began. This was a very imporant act as this is the beginning of equal education. -
Elementary/Secondary Education Act
Equal opportunity for ecuation to all children was enabled for all. This act also set highe expectation for education and demanded help for those learners that struggled in the classroom. This was also the first time reduced lunches were made avaiable for schools that met the required needs. -
PARC vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvanian Assocaiton of Retarded Children won the case that enabled all children with expectionalites the right to free public education in an environment that created a comfortable atmosphere. Indivudalized programs were created for those student as well to promote the success of all in the classroom. -
Mills vs Board of Education
The exclusion of seven students prompted a case ina DC area school, where the school couldn't fund the student's education. The court ruled in favor of the sevne students, and no student should be excluded from the public school process. -
Sec. 504 of Rehabilitaion Act
Part of the Civil Rights act that protects anyone from being discriminated in school, work, or daily life. This helped those with expectionalities in the United States in school and seeking employment. -
Education for All Hanidcapped Children Act
Overturned previous attempts of taking children with expectionalites out of classrooms or their homes. More individualized systems were created like IEP's, to furhter cater those children with expectionalites. -
EHA- Education for All Handicapped Children
To provide adequate education for millions of children with exceptionalities. Facilities and progrmas were created to ensure more success as well as federal and state level funding. -
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilites Act
To protect the individuls with exceptionalities, making sure everyone recieves a free and successful education for their own needs. This provided even more services to make education the least resrticive enviroment for students with exceptionalities. -
ADA - Americans With Disabilites Act
Prohibts discrimination of anyone with an excpetionality. This includes, but not limited to work and school atompsheres. This reverts abck to the civil rights act of 1964, where you can't discriminate on basis of race, religion, or sex. -
NCLB- No Child Left Behind Act
This law made sure that all children that were disavdavantaged were given the same oppurtunity to suceed in the classroom as all other students. Federal funding was granred through statewide assessments through state testing and grades.