1919 Treaty of Versailles
The terms of the Treaty of Versailles were extremely harsh towards Germany who had taken responsibility for the war. France, Britain and Italy wanted to take revenge and punish the Germans. Wilson's Fourteen Points Plan was criticized for being to lenient towards Germany, by the other leaders of the Allies. The terms of Treaty of Versailles detailed territorial and military changes and addressed War provisions that demanded massive amounts of money as compensation for the Great War. -
Eugeni Xammar witness Germany's collapse
"The price of tram rides and beef, theater tickets and school, newspapers and haircuts, sugar and bacon, is going up every week. As a result no one knows how long their money will last, and people are living in constant fear, thinking of nothing but eating and drinking, buying and selling".
(exact day can't be verified) -
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The Great Depression
The world depression saw many Germans face unemployment and poverty. Support for the Nazi party increased dramatically. In May of 1931 the unemployment figures reach almost to millions, I have placed the end of the depression when the Nazi's won 43.9% of the popular vote and control of Germany.
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/26/6e/97/266e978b36de070772246fd5f8530513.jpg -
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Schacht's New Plan
This plan created programs like the strength through joy program which controlled the Germans free time. Strikes become illegal in 1936, also the Germans controlled the prices to stop inflation. The country besides that had gains in more people employed for longer hours and more money
(Date and month can't be verified)
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/60/a3/e3/60a3e3baa892feef490c54392787ba05.jpg -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg. His plan, embraced by much of the German population, was to do away with politics and make Germany a powerful, unified one-party state. He began immediately, ordering a rapid expansion of the state police, the Gestapo, composed entirely of Nazis and dedicated to stamping out whatever opposition to his party might arise. -
Enabling Bill
Hitler proposed an Enabling Bill that would give him dictatorial powers. Such an act needed three-quarters of the members of the Reichstag to vote in its favor. Many activists for the communist and socialist parties were not present so the Nazi party only had to secure the Catholic Center Party which was won over with a bill to ensure the rights of the church. -
Law to Reduce Unemployment
The RAD (National Labor Service) sent men on public works, the autobahns. Unemployment fell from nearly 6 million to virtually nothing. Hitler built up the armed forces conscription took 1 million unemployed. The soldiers needed equipment, so this set steel mills, coal mines and factories back into production. The Luftwaffe gave jobs to fitters, engineers and designers. The Nazi state machinery needed thousands of clerks, prison guards etc.
(The exact day is not verified) -
Germany withdrew from the League of Nations
He gave as his excuse the fact that Germany was already disarmed, while other countries were refusing to disarm. Germany followed with a huge military build up violating the agreements of the Locarno Pact. -
German-Polish Nonaggression Pact
Hitler sought the nonaggression pact in order to neutralize the possibility of a French-Polish military alliance against Germany before Germany had a chance to rearm. However, This move was not popular with many Germans who supported Hitler but resented the fact that Poland had received the former German provinces of West Prussia, Poznan, and Upper Silesia under the Treaty of Versailles -
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The Four Year Plan
The aim of the plan was to make Germany ready for war. It had the main goals to have Germany become self sufficient( known as aurtarky), to have a strong military, There was a large debate in Germany whether funds should go to butter or guns (food or the military) However this led to a rise in the German GNP from 67 billion to 141 billion.
(the day and month are not verified)
http://www.master-of-education.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/3-Aryan-Paper-Drive.jpg -
Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland
In 1935, Hitler unilaterally canceled the military clauses of the treaty and in March 1936 denounced the Locarno Pact and began re-militarizing of the Rhineland. Two years later, Nazi Germany burst out of its territories, absorbing Austria and portions of Czechoslovakia. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
Germany and Italy, reflecting their common interest in destabilizing the European order, announced a Rome-Berlin Axis one week after signing a treaty of friendship. -
Anti-Comintern Pact
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan signed the so-called Anti-Comintern Pact directed at the Soviet Union. Italy joined the Anti-Comintern Pact on November 6, 1937. -
Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact
An economic agreement, signed to provided that Germany would exchange manufactured goods for Soviet raw materials on the 10th. As well as a ten-year nonaggression pact, in which each signatory promised not to attack the other. -
Britain and France swear war on Germany
Britain and France had sworn to defend Poland. Honoring these obligations, the two countries sent ultimatums to Hitler demanding his withdrawal from Poland. Hitler declined to respond. Prime Minister Chamberlain went to the airwaves to announce to the British people that a state of war existed between their country and Germany. World War II had begun. -
The Axis Powers formed
Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, which became known as the Axis alliance.The pact was subsequently joined by Hungary (20 November 1940), Romania (23 November 1940), Slovakia (24 November 1940), and Bulgaria (1 March 1941). -
America freezes Germany and Italy's assets in the U.S.
The United Sates freezes German and Italian assets, preventing those nations’ citizens from withdrawing funds held in U.S. banks. In July, the U.S. freezes Japanese assets and suspends relations with Japan