Browing symbol

LeeAnn Idealistic Timeline

  • My mother birthday

    My wonderful mother was born and she is the nices person if your nice to her.
  • My brother birthday

    My brother was born and helped raise him slef from when he was litlle
  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
    I was born at National Park Hosptial in Hot Springs AR.
    when I was born I was a tiny baby and my brother was happy to a sister.
  • first time meeting my friend

    first time meeting my friend
    First time meeting was when we first met on the bus on the first day of school. I sat in the back of the bus and my friend's Charlie and Ivory did too and they were like hey do you want to b my friend and I said yes of course.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    My first day of school was pretty scary because I did not know if I was going to make any friend or not.
  • Getting my first good grades

    Getting my first good grades
    when I was in the first grade the first time I was failing the class I had to repeat the first grade all over again. It was kinda hard because I forgot half of what I learned the first time I was in the first grade.
  • The year i Graduate

    The year i Graduate
    The year i graduate is the year i will be school free for a while and i can get myself together
  • start working

    start working
    One day I hope I get the chance to work at my Aunts Job because i can help people get better and make them happy.
  • Day i start college

    Day i start college
  • The Day i get engaged

    The Day i get engaged
    I hope the day i get engage is the day i can call someone mine and i donlt have to let them go
  • Dixie shirley

    Dixie shirley
    she was born on April 3 days after my birthday she was born on april 24,2025
  • The day Dixie starts school

    The day Dixie starts school