Lebanese Civil War

  • Battles Begin

    Battles begin between the PLO and Kataeb militia of Christians enter Beirut, the downtown area is destroyed with warfare and each side claims a part and hundreds of civilians are taken hostage. The military is in shambles and the government is split.
  • New President

    Elias Sarkis is elected president.
  • Syrian Army Intervenes

    The Tel al-Zaatar massacre occurs. The Syrian army intervenes for the first time.
  • Ceasefire Occurs

    An Arab League summit occurs to instill a ceasefire backed by the deployment of peacekeeping troops.
  • Siege of Beirut

    The 1982 Lebanon War occurs as well as the Siege of Beirut. Bashir Gemayel is elected president on 23 August and assassinated 14 September. Soon after the Sabra and Shatila massacre occurs. The Israelis withdraw. Amin Gemayel is elected president.
  • US Involved in Conflict

    1983 United States embassy bombing occurs.
  • Control Switches

    The Lebanese army, after controlling Beirut since Israeli withdrawal, is expelled from West Beirut, the Amal Party and the Druze Progressive Socialist Party take control of West Beirut. The multi-nationals withdraw from Lebanon
  • Assasination Attempt

    Assassination attempt on Hezbollah leader, Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah.
  • Period: to

    Assassination of Rashid Karami

    The First Intifada begins and the anger toward Israel in Lebanon increases. There are hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinians imprisoned by Israel.
  • Heavy War Begins

    Heavy fighting begins between the Lebanese army still under General Aoun's control and the Lebanese Forces. As well as fighting between Amal and Hezbollah and continued resistance to Israeli occupation and Israeli reprisal raids.
  • National Reconciliation

    A National Reconciliation is formed under the leadership of Omar Karami. The Taif Agreement is for the first time being put into practice.
  • General Amnesty

    Parliament passes the law of General Amnesty.