Leaque of Nations

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    League of Nations

  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Big 3 met at the Paris Peace Conference and drew up the Treaty of Versailles.
  • League of Nations establishment

    The League of Nations is set up as an international peace-keeping organsiation to settly disputes fairly.
  • Washington Conference

    USA, Britain, France and Japan agreed to limit the size of their navies
  • Rapallo Treaty

    The USSR and Germany re-established diplomatic relations
  • Crisis in Germany

    France invades the Ruhr and inflation makes money worthless.
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  • The Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Paln served to avert a terrible economic cisis in Germany, the USA lent money to Germany to help it to pay its reparations bill
  • The Locarno Treaties

    Germany appears to accept the treaty of Versailles
  • Germany joins the League of Nations

  • The Kellogg-Briad Pact

    Most Nations agree not to go to war to settle international disputes
  • Young Plan

    The Young Plan reduced German'y reparation payments.
  • The Wall Street Crash

    The wall street crash-followed by worldwide economic depression.
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    The Manchurian crisis

    Japan begins building a Pacific empire
  • Japan leaves the League

  • Germany leaves the League

  • Hitler becomes leader of Germany

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    Germany rearms

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    Abyssinian crisis

    Italy invades Abyssinia
  • German troops enter the Rhinelnad

  • Italy leaves the League

  • Munich Agreement

    Chamberlain's policy of appeasement culminates in the Munich Agreement
  • Hitler Invades Poland