
Leads to the cival war

  • Period: to

    Leads to civil war

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California was admitted as free state.The sales of slaves was banned in our nations capital.
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    The fugitive slave act Sep. 18 1850.The fugitive slave act made all citizens catch runaway slaves.Judges got paid to set a slave free or send them back to the south.It made northerners feel like they were apart of the slave system.
  • Dred scott descision

    Dred scott descision
    Dred scott and his family sued for their freedom.They also so sued for their masters estate.
  • Uncle toms cabin published

    Uncle toms cabin published
    Uncle toms cabin published anti-slavery best selling book.Wrote by Harriet Beecher Stowe inspired to write the book after the fugitive slave act.
  • Kansas nebraska act

    Kansas nebraska act
    Kansas nebraska act.It would divide the unorganized territory into two parts kansas and nebraska.
  • John browns raid on harpers ferry

    John browns raid on harpers ferry
    In 1859 John brown and his men begin a raid on Harpers Ferry,VA.John browns intention was to start a slave uprising and arm the slaves that would possibly lead to their freedom.
  • Abraham lincoln elected president

    Abraham lincoln elected president
    Lincoln was elected president in Nov. 6 1860.He spoke out against secession at his inauguration and had a appeal for friendship.
  • South Sarolina secedes from union

    South Sarolina secedes from union
    South carolina first state to secede.South argued that they voulintary joined the union they can voulintary leave it.