Leading Up to WWII-Nic Piantedosi

  • Treaty of Versailles

    This ended World War One but it blamed Germany and caused a lot of trouble for them. This helped Hitler convince people to follow him.
  • Period: to

    Leading up to WWII

  • Mussolini becomes leader of Italy

    The king of Italy was afraid of Mussolini's Fascist party so he gave his power to him. Mussolini made everyone in Italy exited for war.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan already had an army in Manchuria because of treaties gained control of the northern Cinese region. This causes local resistance in the Japanese Occupation.
  • Shanghai War of 1932

    Chinese boycotts against Japan, because of the invasion on Manchuria, leads to violence in Shanghai. The Japanese navy launches airstrikes at the city. After three months there is a ceasefire.
  • Hitler takes power

    After joining a political group he slowly rose up and became Chancellor after the previous one died. He believed in ruling by scaring his country into following him.
  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Mussolini attacks the oldest African nation and takes it over.
  • German Re-Occupation of the Rhineland

    Rhineland was demilitarized by the Germans because of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler's re-Occupation showed that the wartime Allies would not stand up to him
  • Spanish civil war

    Facost Spanish forces led by General Francisco Franco caused a civil war to overthrow the republican government. The military that was helped by Italy and Germany received lots of aid from the Silviet Union.
  • Munich Agreement

    Hitler forces the British and French to allow him to annex Sudetenland.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded poland. This sparked all alliances to join and started WWII.