US Senate voted never to make war again
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Kellog Briand Pact
International effort to prevent another World War Paris Peace Pact was signed by 64 nations.
Had little effect in stopping the rising militarism of the 1930's or preventing World War II
Gernamy, Japan, and Italy all wanted war
Germany, Japan, and Italy saw it as a solution to their problem.
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The Dirty Thirites : Japan
Japan attacks china in Manchuria
Japan took over China's iron and coal
President Hoover refues to allow an economic boycott of Japan
Japan quits League of Nations and builds up it's Navy
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The Dirty Thirties: Germany
German economy shaky since it lost WW I
Paul von Hindenberg, President, allows Hitler's Party (Nazi) to take power
Hitler writes Mein Kampf, book proclaiming Aryans (blond/blue-eyed) as the master race
Germany prepares for war
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Italy attacks Ethiopia
Leauge of Nations doesn't act despite world opinion
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Civil War in spain
General Franco attacks government
Hitler and Mussolini help
Japan attacks china again
Franco wins war; Spain becomes fascist