Japan signs treaty with China to respect China's borders
Japan signs Kellogg-Briand Pact renouncing war
The Great Depression hits Japan
The Japanese army siezes Manchuria
Japan withdraws from League of Nations
U.S. begins passing the Neutrality Acts
Hitler anounces Germany will not obey the Treaty of Versailles
Mussolini invades Ethiopia
German troops move into Rhineland
Spain has a civil war
Italy and Germany form an alliance
Japan invades China; full-scale war between Japan and China
Hitler takes Austria and annexes it
Hitler demands Sudentenland for Germany
Munich Conference
Reublican resistance collapses and Germany + Soviet Union invades Poland
Germany invades Czechoslovakia
Italy invades Albania
Germany and Soviet Union sign nonagression pact
Hitler surprises Poland with attack
France and Britain declare war on Germany
Soviet Union invades eastern Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland
Finland surrenders to Stalin
Hitler invades Denmark and Norway
Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg
Germany takes Paris
French surrender to Germany
Germany Luftwaffe begins bombing of British cities (Battle of Britain)
Mussolini takes North Africa
Hitler sends Rommel to help Italian troops in Egypt
Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece
Germans invade Soviet Union
German U-boat fires on U.S. Destroyer
German forces put Leningrad under siege
Germans try to take Moscow