Leading up to the American revolution

  • The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock

    They were some of the British people who came to the new world. They started the Plymouth colony-and then became Massachusett. They had a very hard life after they landed - couldn’t find good food and they got sick. Half of them died after they tried to start to make a city. But, eventually, after a long and long time (such 50years) Plymouth became a successful city.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war made them fight the colonies of the British. American again those of New French, each side supported by military units from the parent country and by Native American allies . It means that the Indian and French fight with a team like allies and It ends at 1763
  • The Sugar Act

    The sugar act is also about taxes. It's like the Revenue act when people Import the sugar from other countries they need to pay taxes so this law wasn't a great law for colonial people so colonial people would not have looked at this law with good intention. The sugar act was passed by Parliament on April 5, 1764
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act is just one of several acts of the parliament(senate) of Great Britain that regulated paper money issued by the colonies of America. The act persuade to protect British merchants and creditors (a person or company to whom money is owed.)from being paid in depreciated (diminish in value over a period of time.)colonial currency.(protect)
  • The Stamp Act

    England wanted to pay their troops in the colonies, so they passed the Stamp Act. It put a tax on papers, documents, and other stuff. If the colonists didn’t pay, they were punished unfairly without a jury(traitorous mind). The colonists hated this act. For them, it was an example of “taxation without representation
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act got its name in 1760-1770. This law was resented by colonists. They created a number of disputes(disagreement, argument, debate) in colonial times. Reason is an act passed by the British Parliament(such as the highest legislature)to make sure that British soldiers would be exactly fed during their times of like service in the North American Colonies. (they got secure and food from colonist tax so they can be angry about Quartering)
  • The Townshend

    the colonists pay special money when they bought glass, paint, lead, and paper. Also if you were caught secretly buying glass. Paint, lead or paper without paying the tax- you were punished this was done to make the British Empire more money.
  • The Boston Massacre

    Reason for The Boston Massacre was the lack of not satisfaction(discontent) of the American colonists over the British government and its bias(unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.) rule. And what happen is British shot and killed lot of people when they think mob or opposite people(the event was publicized by leading Patriots)
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston tea party was an American political and mercantile(commerce) protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston.they target was the Tea act of May 10, 1773 which allowed the British East Indian company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes (because they need to pay taxes when they import so they want to change law).
  • The First Continental Congress 2

    They met in Pennsylvania and invited representatives from every colony. The colony wrote a letter of grievances(not good thing) to the king but he didn’t listen. (do you know why they make meeting didn’t listen carefully about what they say)
  • The First Continental Congress 1

    The first Continental Congress was 1774. representations discuss Boycotting British goods to set up the rights of Americans and planning for a Second continental Congress. The colonists are feeling like England is being unfair and they want justice.(colonist people feel it must be unfair because the British set up a right) So, they wanted to gather together to discuss what to do about England.
  • Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death” 2

    This meeting was named the second Virginia Convention. At the meeting, the colonists wanted to talk about “what should we do about the King of England? We are so angry! Should we go out and war? Lastly at the meeting Patrick Henry gave an important speech that he wanted to fight(war) with England.
  • Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death”

    The colonists were angry with the King of England because of all the taxes he put on them. And the King made law that the colonists hated (like the intolerable Act). They were also angry because the King made a blockade around Boston- so the colonists couldn’t get their boats into the city anymore. So they called a meeting.
  • The Ride of Paul Revere

    Paul Revere’s famous ride on April 18th 1775 is the subject of this famous long fellow poem. It is told from the background(perspective) of a property owner. Who is hoping to entertain and inform his children. And 1861 Paul Revere ‘s ride was in magazine when war was going (this wrote for giving inspiring but It mean It was famous because It was on magazine when war going )
  • The Second Continental Congress 1

    (also It was a meeting made by not listening they didn’t feel like enough. If you feel enough will you make 2meeting maybe not so they want them to listen so they made 2 meetings ).
    The second continental congress(countries meeting)representation from the thirteen colonies in America that united in the American.
  • The Second Continental Congress 2

    And the congress agree to the Declaration of Independence two days later. The Declaration of Independence is about countries that are independent.(like lone) It’s like communicating with thirteen colonies and discussing problems
  • George Washington named Commander in Chief

    His experiences in the French and Indian war were important to teach him the subtleties of war on the American continent. Serving the British crown in their war against the French in the 1750s would prepare(ready) him for the conflict(not feeling good for each other (fight)) that emerged(come out) two decades(more than 10years later) later(mean for this just they ready and prepare for the war )
  • Pennsylvania Becomes a Colony

    About Pennsylvania became a colony is Founded by British Quaker William Penn(the first settlers in the region were the Dutch and the Swedish but British make Dutch out and took control over the area.it mean just they get land from Dutch and out countries) and Pennsylvania became major of economy and political (center of the colonies )
  • Revenue Act

    The first measure was the Plantation Act of 1764, usually called the Revenue, or Sugar, Act, which reduced to a mere the duty on imported foreign molasses but linked with this a high duty on refined sugar and a prohibition on foreign rum