Tenterfield Henry Parks
The tenterfield that involved Henry Parks was an oration of the support of federation. Henry wanted the Australian Governments to come together and unite together. He did that so he could tell the other Governments that New South Whales where ready to cooperate he said that on behalf of New South Whales. In 1890 they had a federation conference. -
Australasian conference in Melbourne.
Henry Parks spoke and tolled them that they where doing well and they should have a big convention to speak about federation. -
Federation Meeting in Melbourne
Not actually the eighth. In January 1895 they had a huge Federation meeting in the town hall. It was addressed by Victoria. In South Australia the same year AFL was formed. -
Secret Premiers Confrence
Also February. In Melbourne they held a secret conference and they all attended even Queensland and that had not happened since since 1895. They had decided to make a new sit in NSW but it is not allowed to be in 100 miles of Sydney. -
"Yes" in WA
In Western Australia they said yes to being one big nation. Woman even got to vote on this as well as just the men. -
1st Prime Minister Edmund Barton
In Sydney Edmond Barton became a prime minister for federation and nine other federal people was sworn to be with Edmond Barton. -
First Federal Parlament
On this day there was the first federal parliament this was opened by the Duke of York. This was held in Melbourne (Exhibition building). In 1901 they had a total of eight departments.